Friday, November 10, 2017

it takes oneto know what I'd call it

and I got called a 'moron' by one of the last bastions of bad taste, R himself (itself, which makes ita little creept when you see how he steals our sex urge and all that goes with it..speaking of wrath)
then it sits in your face like a great pile of shit waiting for you to flush it

all the time you're a little disturbed Keats isn't in the room

or something like that true love that makes it all that matters
when you remember being in the room near the man with all the scalpels
and almost passing out as one of those senators I just viewed on the movie 420
starts yammering his cause to the tune of millions of viewers

I was a moron at that moment because it felt like we were all being exposed to murder
of ourselves...ah there he comes in the iphantom guide darn supposed to be italicized the creepy


I have to explore that hate thing because it brought me to it
and how to disengage it I don't wonder if it's efficient I truly get that but to goad in a moment of
pure whatever you get it's not there with us and to define it so well graciousness is a curve

I was purely tired last night and I do see the prosecution for the cause because I come from the House of Lords as we all do and therein lies a bravery of which I must concern myself

the moment in the press's eye I gave my heart to the cause of love
and for the moment was a moron to the cause

later when the little baby screamed in outraged frenzy not knowing if it's carnal self was indigenous
however the mater defined it I do hope therein lies the cause for I married when that happened and perhaps it was my own sequenced frustration easing itself primally
such words jump out in a page and are definitive of a certain intellect and horrible crime follows like the caustic agent of anticipated despair when joy is all there really is, but you must do these things because you care oh wow 49 years of dribble to say that i love you right now

along with the many cosutmes and skeletons in the closet which are not found on the everyday table

there goes it and we must always oblige what no longers fears itself as a costume
there wouldn't be any target other than that of which I must at this time brief on the subject what it entails in the purest gold of devout intellectual discussion with myself and as a poet the masses
though they waddle in gross flesh and
I think wefigured that out a time agoa nd there's the wonder of it
to dispute that which we find incredible

although we have to say we're in that babbit corner that became a certain reality in 1947
as I understand it

crucial parts todefine historic law and justice
and let finally the king speak right?

well...I don't I don't have that problem I'm not a bore I never was I did see it as that it was as they say brilliant and there's the part that's curious I do believe that all historic measure is obliged and therefore any part of it unseen I do not relate to

so funny a moron...for that moment in the public, UPS, Reuters AP wire all the lot with giant camera facing the odds
will they buy it

it has become the slow campfire in the cold winteron the wyoming grazying farms near the mountains where the wind blows cold

don't really wanna murtelize anybody but if they do that to themselves it might happen

the very early years in the lower echelons of the Justice Department perhaps now riddled with fear Mitchell is where he belongs hehe
used to troll along beneath my office like a great shark with big teeth the minion of Nixon
now that was a grand plan we had no idea ostentatiousness would go over so badly

well we did along with the trondike attached to the Morrison marriage like a grim missle
frightening in some diabolical ways giving forth to the Dana partition and glorified anex''

you never knew anything like it so many levels of the same fleshh believing
now that is grand and here am I with all this salad and a groption way to interrogate we'll never spill the beans on all of it but you'll know wherein we stand and why it's ok to believe the shining miracle

what would be? we exist we believe we have to know that therapy cures exposure to the nicks of the heart

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

more on the story

so I pulled out of the scene a bit and then stopped because diane was yelling 'wait wait' and I don't know what she was doing but I waited.
road conditions were bad, sides the road thick with snow the tires on the amblance not so great but doable.  I pulled out and went further up burnt mountain, missing an optimum turnout because it was covered in snow and going further up to the little logging oad where half burnt mountain was denuded of its beautiful tall trees.  I got safely off the road and the county cop came up to us and informed me the circumstances of the wreck.  seems the man had solicited and engaged a woman who'd gotten out of the car and left the scene.  the man was not an obvious drug user but was talking incoherently and suspected of a stroke.  the more I talked to the county cop themore he reminded me of a 'good' Sandy Hull, guys son that is troubled by drugs.
I went back to the rig and waited for Diana to package the patient as she had told me he was needing to go to the hospital.  I waied for her to buckled him up and it seemed to take her quite a while to figure out which belt went where.  I didn't time it, I only wrote down the mileage I noted at the scene and that was about the only time I had any control over the entries on the page.  I did make a time entry on 'scene arrival' following entries diane had made previous.  She told me later the time entries were all wrong andI told 'I did make a mileage ntry at the scne'
We got to Forks hospital without incident and it was when we were unloading the patient that it got very very bad.  Diane at no time assisted in the unloaded of the patient.  Rather she stood inside the compartment and told me 'You should be doing this, you should be doing this' until I became exacerbated with her goading me and told her to stop.  We couldn't get the burney legs to come down though we repeatedly pushed the plus and minus signs that control it.  Brigitte Soha and another EMT were on duty at the hospital and they were assisting at my request because I know i am not adept at using the gurney and have been off on vacation for several weeks.  My actual experience with the gurney is improving but it still needs some work and that can only come at this point by experience and having someone standing over you telling you 'should be doing this' is enough to cause a sense of extreme irritation in a frustrating critical situation.

Monday, November 6, 2017

with booboobearxxx

sitting in the airport waiting to fly home

itwas a good night believe it or not.  yeah? yep...when you finally crashed and burned we were married at Hoebuck in the afpicnic ground at the new leanto with the tribe officiating and you remember!  just the  pressure on my lips of your kiss I guess that's enough huh?  let's hope so have several bots around you I myself well it'll be a little bit before I make my move lemme see what I can do to make you more comfortable
that was pretty interesting stuff with the chemical drops yep, you just saved trumpie's bacon let's see what's up with that ok
we spent the night in the first house you looked at had a great giant bed and we made love
don't have a beard scratch nah...grabs every part of that on the way out so we'll need a little update from your files here
I'll find it

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

going to churchon sunday

so I always have but today was like a warning not to depend on the institutions that have kept you fortified for your life:  Arthur was hanging about my house when I took the dogs out thismorning and he was barked at by them.  Suddenly a policeman was there warning me he would give me a ticket for my dogs' behavior if they were not on their leashes.  This was in front of my house which on the highway.
then I went to church, without the dogs in tow as they sometimes wait in the car during mass.  Arthur was in the front pew playing games on his phone during the mass.  aftermass I told him that kind of behavior was not acceptable during service and he scoffed.
then there were a discussion of the parishioners about what to do with the building that houses the church.  Jennifer Zaccardo was reported to not be sharing the ledge of church finances with our parishioners.  arthur left during this discussion.  the building is coveredin asbestos siding.  there is no money to repair that situation and the windows leak in heavy rain.
why did it feel as though this was a warning to not be  a part of this church that my father built...diana leiza and arthur: both are there on sundays and the discussions afterward are unpleasant I think because of the energy these two project Raphael said they go from gabe/diana to arthur/diana and there is molestation of gabearthur and so's overcoming the nature of the congregation..something must be done I am glad I am not there for the next three sundays

Saturday, August 5, 2017

paying the piper

was told 'they' expect to be paid tomorrow for their work...because the roof is almost on..only I'm
about broke already thismonth how to pay them?  what to pay them...see if I can work this out yikes

busy on the roof

they have cut a hole over the bathtub to put in a skylight then they broke the glass I was going to use for it (they are still at it at 5:42 pm.  I was supposed to go to Sherry and Larry Basinger's 50th wedding anniversary party but Joanna never called about it and I found out that I was overdrawn at first federal because the bank clerk put two hundred dollars from checking into savings  and screwed up the dental payment and so forth...I was over drawn 260 dollars plus I had written a check on that account for the rolled roofing...what a mess I hope it's straightened out now
here I thought I was doing good but I did notice that my 252 payment from the clallam county district five service didn't reflect until after the fact plus I forgot I'd made a deposit from Joanne Willard of 250 into that same account so I had five hundred in there anyway but had an outstanding check for the phone bill of 104 so I wanted 200 put in from my savings leaving me with 300 in there I've since deposited 150 to the savings so now I'm at 400 in there because it was at 853 and 450 had to go into the checking  I still don't get that but then 260 over drawn and 149 something outstanding due to come in I guess that's the why of it
I better go look at the roof
bang bang bang it's getting on my nerves that and theirloud radio pretty sure the brother brought the other brother some crank or something because bozo is acting pretty stiff...
that's all for this day

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

from the time this summer when I was in Bellingham to see the dentist at the vocational technical college and have a brief visit with my son Tony and his daughter Myah provided we ate pizza and next day I was in Port Angeles having a tooth removed  that's what living distantly from your family will get you

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

update to movie about australia with Rupert and Lydia

last scene at the hotel where they are having roast beef Yorkshire pudding pickled veg some gravy a little treacle dessert and getting to know the family
she is a bit wistful and dreamy with him he's a station man he wants a famly she'll do fine she's strong but an orphan and he tells the grans he loves her while she's fiddling in the john with her hair
there the nice folk that want the best and tell him he'll have the farm she's the only child of their only son and it's a good thing he's come along and he says he did want to farm gramp says come and learn and he says he will and then she returns bright eyed
'supper was wonderful' all is well he pays the bill

they go off into the sunset and you can smell the pressed cotton of their clothes and the shampoo they used to wash their hair her armpits are stiff from shaving so close and his beard has a nick under the folds of his chin

Friday, July 14, 2017

the part that fixes it

well today was one of those days whenI don't give a fuck about the rest of the world because the laptop (computer) decided to get fcked in the ass
isn't that sweet
down to downnear pure dogshit in that department
very cool to have it be postable already
and the oral surgeon complies with
'let's have another look at this if you don't mind' it seems terribly unpleasant any way you look at it
    as she staggers out the surgery door

in britain they call all those places 'the surgery'
and how grim our despair when we see a loved one stagger out of there
soon that shall be me...well..
Dr Sr Barb
I've written a little poem about what's coming up for me
  first off I've given birth to a tiny wisdom tooth
I knew it was there always pushing developing it's root
still it comes and is a tiny pearl
in the back of the line where they want to dismember my upper left molars for the sake of
continuity isn't that sweet
they wish me to be aenesthitized for the process...I despair of ever having a script for oxycodone in my house all the trouble it's caused I shouldn't want to acknowledge I write for it I should think
I said no so I'm shaky and turning a bit to alcoholor realizing that really isn't the way for us good
CAtholics and Higgins..well maybe it's our name I never wanted it I wanted something different
well..I got it that's a poem!!
how bleak my despair (don't know the best words for poetry DOSC
robert 1 canine LUCI.telleria.Morrison.Crowe/mclean.Jj
user status self correcting dental ULM:ulinPitt source
scours animal
little raccoon
bacteria gEntle.eric site
not applicable

quotient modification Plumeria vistula
with flowers
that's the last batchelor button as I pick the seeks and bring the invoice
we'd like to know what that is
it's a varient form of life within which the connotation to pug ugly is applied


anyways off and running are the brothers that's behind every carnival display complete to the oarless rudders where he'd be picking through the remanents..of a lost anxiety
we figure it to give some kind of sporadic what? worry nah not nomore
I'm feeling rather sporadic at the moment here I go to the vitamin c drawer exploring
juice interactively with some relish
yeah the green pickle kind that sort of thing
what you believe how you recover to fresh air and plants and good dirt
see where it's all at how it gets returned?  quite easily in the right circumstance alwaysa about'
balance and measure that sort of that jumping the keyboard happens what's it
relating to?
quotients modifiers math logic demographic personality interaction family
that sort of thing who are you what do I retain of this experience
the travel in  St. Paul/Minneapolis the Indian words only a few of us know the reality to
only thing he said we could keep for five minutes...where we'd be at the time
that sort of thing to step out into it
the concrete actually buying some
indignity how far beyond us
so we'd read it over and over
she's a kavorkian self suicide with that pulse
lookit how educated and doing that
alter ego personalities going on
we'll relive the torture for a moment it's exclusive I'm good at it
we can do this you'll be did hapen
you was a plant

them's their fersail items... and we buy it
he'n a good little boy
that know of (we) hehe

yep...I've defined that too

so play it loud and clear everwhere
I'm off to this day


Sunday, July 9, 2017


didn't get a ribbon for any of my art entries this year..more like the case if the map works you can see how that goes...disappointing in that frustrated no one knows how it happens..intending to spread light in the world my name is Titian and there it is...
are we so brave??

have to get up and shower but so foggy tired from about six hours sleep went off from the high school crowd they were so noisy and happy and we were trying to talk she bought me dinner and a drink that was strange it felt borderline sexual predator
with versions to come
as though I couldn't trust my own intuition and followed it down its sleepy dusty road back to the beginning where she had a good personality and went on to live her life
all I wanted to do was catch up
maybe write the kind of emails I right here now
I guess I didn't like Jeannie Epp and Kathryn WRight all that much
because there was some issue over Wright making Jeannie
her little pet
and no one thought it appropriate

the real issue was maybe all the boys were having profound sexual impulses and impressions and it got carried away in the Bonnie body there was a story they rode up the street in front of the school having sex in the back of a station wagon during school hours and Bonnie was supposed to be in class and she wasn't she was another one of those that had a baby soon after

I found it all very humiliating and I think I suffered a great deal in that time because there was something where we didn't have any control
and then Richard started slugging home runs at the Teagle house with Adele's son whom you just don't see anymore taking him in the hot tub
for hours on a SAturday night

while my marriages crumbled around the detrius of his playtimes

that would have been the Priest and the Altarboy ruining another transmission

where I could think the times I did get it right
all the systems were purring and whirring and there wasn't much grease but a lot of spastic activity in particularization

kablump kablump

we should have been all intrigued to get this far into the situation without being so maudlin as to be affected by it he said he dropped an anvil on his toe should think it serves him right last time he complained it was a bad tooth and here I sit with the remains of the day
that's how he does things

Saturday, June 17, 2017

outside the yeller is yelling

dear Joanna...haven't heard from you in a's a photograph of my visit with my family..
I tried to do that but it would not let me so maybe if I ever talk to you again I can show you the photograph I tried to insert here

you were at the visit center Friday and I came in after I got ready for lunch with my family at the Breakwater...
you walked out the door when I came in

Monday, June 12, 2017

loading the wod

have to get over to pete's lot and load firewood onto the truck at some point I have to air up the tire on the wheelbarrow and use it to haul the wood from the truck to the newly refurbished shed...I'm sure they didn't do the roof right, they went at it while I was at church and it's not level or caulked towards the back end of it..I paid him anyway I have this weird attitude about it, like the lawncutter that broke down after one's the way things are going...joanna isn't talking to me, wonder what I did there, if anything..she's shorting out upstairs (mentally) and for some reason I get to be a target..not sympathetic to her life with brian

it's like my life with John...that was a nightmare I never care to repeat...Dobie's awful close to being just like him..Vic's had a stroke...he's an obvious guy, Vic...when I was a kid he was a real bad guy, always drunk, living in a strange way beating his siamese cat with a newspaper...very strange world he had going on for mother once hinted he had a girlfriend with 'black hair'...I was always curious if she meant herself and if so what did I really think about that: add it to the cruel ways she had of making mean comments and slaps..there were a few of them, there were pivotal moments when her laser disk of time warped a tangent moment quite badly but somehow I've survived it..think of us as a general whole this kind of treatment it's not what we want of course and I do take advantage of the help somewhat but I gave them tons of groceries the day before and paid them and they put the roof on wrong..what do I do? wait to see how badly it leaks??
I think not..question to be resolved
Mom was ugly at the nursing home 'I won't be around much longer'..ok, great...witness in the corner smiling at the comments being made in her presence...course you won' don't get to grouse with me, that's a point in your disfavor honey..let's try to stay on the straight and narrow...we don't ignore rude comments we put them where they do best...into the mainframe of our greatest windbag: donnie trump...think of it as 'making america great again' and use it as your ticket into the nirvana of the here and now...I have wonderful choice to be made today...I have to get my house in order..I have to take the lawncutter back hate calling it a weed wacker...think of the couples hiding at the McLean house, formerly the Wessler house..think of my own Robert Meints cum Mikel Biddle think of where we were happy ther and how much veneer was scraped off in the fracas of the usurpation of the often that happens and to whom...where you go on this muddly path is only indicative of the partitions we make ourselves in a pursuit of the just and the happy...I would like to be at Messy Palettes tomorrow tomorrow is the barbeque at the's been a slim lineup around there lately however there was a grand pileup out at lake ozette featuring star performers from the Trump Administration: our own RobbieGently.Marty Rausch..quite dapper and efficient we hope we know how that works and which line of entry via Dyan we have to skate on..I think the tender twenty shows the way and what a putrid mater of faction it is...
meanwhile..we're aligned on a status quo that doesn't presume to bid options and what we have to lose isn't much considering from whence it orginates...we're not as unlucky as we may presume and certainly we have much to consider...that's how it can take a rag doll and shake it to pieces and it can be sewn back together..people don't tend to forget ogres
do we have to wince on voice overs I wonder, it's eight thirty now time to slip into overalls and get the job done..we're brisketing today pot roast and cabbage last night time for a consideration of losing a friendship...because of alzheimers I suspect..
a glad offering to the administration that will solve the problem...

Sunday, February 26, 2017

au revoir Dave and Marley..Sam...the neighbors Canadian music, humorous anecdotes from the audience

Dave sat in his record shop wondering if the LP by a band called 'Cameltoe' was worth putting in the front window that day.   He didn't think it was in very good taste to call a band a name like that.  It wasn't even funny.  It was demeaning.  Marley would have a fit if she saw it.
But Dave had just found it.  It had come in in a delivery from the States.  A little junk shop near one of the ferries that ultimately connected with Victoria.  Dave's friends had picked it up, thinking it was worth a listen.  Dave had listened.  It was a funky beat alright.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

a bit of star wars' memorabilia

post note:  we got to take the trips to see John in New Orleans' on the money we 'made' writing the legends we already knew..ok?  we're pretty vega.. one on Lar Ethan...
he comes across like a vanilla pudding...he doesn't 'modem' very well
a dd is on him all the time now...and it's pretty sure that is who he is but...
for vegetative sake...and that's the problem...only a new part of the legend will do
because' we all have to have our own personalities intact..and that's how it is...
'dont over think it'

before coming to Maaspequaan...Lithira had been an avid sportswoman, riding the
chonotonqua - something like a horse, with elaborate bridle and ability to communicate with the mind
so that her particular animal was her very precious one  'bibiwonabaska'
or 'bibi' it were...
Lar Ethan on the other hand, was one of those rough and ready fellows, always hunting game
taking long shots on wide curves of the waters..he did what they called something like surfing...
he wanted to e in the water if he could
Lithira loved water as well, but like the yin completes the yang...she saw not what she couldnot
know without having 'him' in her life..
so they went on without each other until the time they met...
and then when they did with the briefest of catalyst...all was different in the universe forever after
untilt his time when they have reunited and align together to create 'what is new'...
so this little story is about what they did in the moments before they actually became what they
were meant to be, in the hope that it will again be what it should be

align then that there is no grief..please..

frustration yes...

but the little bundestwa...something like a tiny rabbit, as furry and cute and loving in its nature
brings about the very gentlest of lar is he who likes the 'bunny rabbit'
Lithira...she is frustrated that her 'steed'..the bibwonabaska'...does not cooperate because it delivers itself of a new offspring...which communicates with her that it 'must be'...but she is frustrated from the long years of being eeryone's perfect daughter...and wants to ride out on the dunes of her Masspaequann shorelines and be at one with her own personal universe...she is highly strung as it were but not really, as though she impends what must be forever after (the woman/the breeding/the product, etc)...
so she takes out a different animal and rides and rides and rides down the windy surf...
and Larth Ethan plays with the little bundestwa...
in its woven basket (there are several here..)  flicking it with his finger...coaxing it with some grains and seeds..and it shows him...there is a nest...
then his father comes in with the announcement that he is to fly in the new paragon ship to the planet Nabu...they don't tell us this anywhere else but Nabu is where the Congress met for the first time of the Interstellar Congregation...with Lar Ethan and Lithira to make the finality reality
and once they met each was to BE..

so she rides frustrated on the shorelines
and he tickles his little mouskin animals...and finds new nests..

Saturday, January 21, 2017

kari_yippie political commentator with some remarks on the presidency of one Donald Trump

I called my ornamental plum in the front yard 'one plum' because last summer it gave one plum to signify it was in fact a fruit tree and not a blooming ornamental as I had hoped...still all is not lost as it gives fruit (let's hope not too much)
such is the onset of the presidency of one Donald Trump...he'll be obnoxious all the way
he'll be a scrapper before he even gets started and the soft wood will rise up out of the obscurity to which it was long banished, proclaiming that there is a hope 'he will make people find God'...
which means to me that he will have us praying in desperation for things that have broken down like my car that needs either a head gasket or a radiator...Trump's like that as well...his marriage is definitely on the cool down, he's publicly smooching it up with television commentators and making the most of the bad situation.  His wife is getting pruny around the can he ever make it up to her? well, he can't..and younger daughter is most obviously going to be his 'mission man'..speaking for him on topics like ladies underwear and the common market...
he'll get his word out but it will be prefaced with that thing he is so good at "snarly whiplashing'..
You see, from a personal standpoint there are parts of him that are even too rank for the likes of me who rides the dishwater down the drain and into the basement where it pools up and comes out a little dribble where the mice chewed up the drain hose  on the dishwasher (so I don't use it)...just like Donald isn't using what's her face...she be gone before ya know it
although that was a pretty glamorous blue suit she had on..I didn't like it too many flares in too many places for an uptight face like hers that obviously wasn't having any fun (I have  to remember to be kind here)...his whole family looks like one uptight band of misfits and mutants, especially the younger ones, like the vicitims of an Indian raid in the wild west, all scalpless, all dead, brought back to life for the moment so we can 'find God'...)  we'll find him the way those corpses came on line to stand up and represent us, we'll find Him..see, it's working alright, I used a capital H the second time I referenced him..Hmi  Him...

anyways, the inguration had screened areas for public viewing of the actual parade, it had protestors on K Street ripping it up, it lines of militia keeping the peace..there were a few burned limos, ripped up stores, disgruntled wouldbe TRump voters who found out that the pig speaks and then he's a pork had the born agains (and again and again) had everything every other presidency has had but it didn't have Kennedy's speech making flare or Himself...I should think...that part just wasn't there, that was a sack of potatoes waiting for the fryer if I ever saw one...that just wasn't real...

Friday, January 13, 2017

so he says, and then some

he's always been reading the wrong thing into the fun parts...he came up to me at lunch..sidled up as it were (after he's taken everything I have, family, home, pets, etc. and made them his) and says to me 'sew ewe ur(al) going to DC??'
so I'm lookin for the flight...gettin kinda hyper finding it but think yeah I can swing this and of course he hasn't called his broker (isn't that the kind of guy he is? of course) I'm footin' the bill naturally...but I was gonna be there and do that just the same and he's like 'yer doing this on yer own kid, which I knew I was when I got born, weren't nobody else in there with me was there?  well maybe he thinks DNA has a green pasture or something..but's how it this MAN's world which he's now made permanent by this callous display of 'let's see how many more times we can get hopes up and dash them into the fire'...yep
don't do it, we
and yeah, he ran in the door with my daughter in his arms, saying she ate some sorta 'weed'...and last night he said he was gonna pass out 30-40 joints during Trump's parade
today he tells me 'we' ain't gonna do that
like I ever passed out joints...
and that's what I get for saying I helped legalize pot
 he says monitor the next four years
