Sunday, October 15, 2017

going to churchon sunday

so I always have but today was like a warning not to depend on the institutions that have kept you fortified for your life:  Arthur was hanging about my house when I took the dogs out thismorning and he was barked at by them.  Suddenly a policeman was there warning me he would give me a ticket for my dogs' behavior if they were not on their leashes.  This was in front of my house which on the highway.
then I went to church, without the dogs in tow as they sometimes wait in the car during mass.  Arthur was in the front pew playing games on his phone during the mass.  aftermass I told him that kind of behavior was not acceptable during service and he scoffed.
then there were a discussion of the parishioners about what to do with the building that houses the church.  Jennifer Zaccardo was reported to not be sharing the ledge of church finances with our parishioners.  arthur left during this discussion.  the building is coveredin asbestos siding.  there is no money to repair that situation and the windows leak in heavy rain.
why did it feel as though this was a warning to not be  a part of this church that my father built...diana leiza and arthur: both are there on sundays and the discussions afterward are unpleasant I think because of the energy these two project Raphael said they go from gabe/diana to arthur/diana and there is molestation of gabearthur and so's overcoming the nature of the congregation..something must be done I am glad I am not there for the next three sundays

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