Thursday, December 8, 2016

an old 'keep the planet green' blurb..remember when that was knew?

lkking about going to dc to remind everybody what we're here for
not sure how that's going to go
need to raise some money to fertilize the operation
not sure what to show...supposed to have company for christmas
all the fuses blew
sitting here without a tree lighted house
trying to keep warm
'cause all the fuses blew

the woodstove doesn't do the job
still thinking about the warm blanket
and the good book and the next day
if they don't make it for Christmas, I'll celebrate anyway
(my girlfriend has leukemia)
imagine that, the pale thing...
with a job that includes a heroin needle apparently
according to the wellworn spot on the candidate's forearm

we always knew about that one
so, yeah, it's important
so's a lotta other stuff
we wouldn't want the guards coming in
such as they are
we're a muck of them...

and yeah, I found the cellphone

Thursday, December 1, 2016

flight of the conchords skit 4 (I think)

ok this has to be marginal becaue this morning I saw daisy mae working the lights and the carport with silly dumpling and I felt my age..which is natural normal and ok and it's fine and I'm good and so what and yada...but it deserves a skit with the two funny guys if I can write it that way

at the apartment: 
bree:  well, I think I'm going out for a stroll
whee:  you do that, I'm staying in, got my fitness exercises to do, got my socks to wash, I could put on some soup for when you get back?
bree:  you could..or I could pick something up
whee:  you could do that?  I should dearly love a pickle sandwich
bree:  a pickle sandwhich...did I say I was amde of money
whee:  no you said you could pick something up
whee:  to which do you refer  the trash?
bree:  actually no..I was thinkiing I might wish to sit in a cafe with something on my own, that's all
whee:  ahhh
bree:  yes, ahh...that is what I should like to do at this point in time
whee:  well, then yes, my socks need a wash,  you go..we'll practice later yes?
bree:  yes, I should like another guitar pick while I'm out
whee:  a guitar pick and a something..the list grows
bree:  the list does not's my options presenting never know, I could meet someone on the street...there's the challenge...there's the opportunity...
whee:  onward goes the Christian crusader into the fray...and a little something for his effort
bree:  ok, liverwurst ok?
whee:  you know me too well
bree:  see ya
(goes out the door)
whee sings a song

he's like a penny in the street this friend of mine
always looking for adventure whatever he can find
there's the wash to do the tea to set
he'll bring me back a sandwich yet
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me...he thinks of me

and when I'm pushing the broom about the place
it's his stuff gets the toss into the room he makes his space
but I'm good with it and I don't mind his never picking up the place we share
he's out for some air
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me he thinks of me

when he comes back in an hour or two he might have a friend along
and then we'll see what we do might have to share the sandwich
might have to brew some tea we'll see
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me he thinks of me

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

more of the hoarders' ethic

it's wednesday now day before tanksgibbing..frank williams has died undergoing heart surgery which is sad but i feel, inevitable due to age and infirmity, rather like my father became before he passed on..I've been sorting clothes in my bedroom..need to go over and let out the cat next door..I open the door for Gracie the dog and here comes the neighbors from up above..pulling a suitcase on wheels, glum looks on their faces, headed somewhere for some reason..lives probably being wasted by their 'trivial pursuits'..not a friendly pair in anyway, more like dogsbodies..and there goes Frank and my dad into the unknown gloom, always productive, always a certainty..the hoarder, in this regard saves a piece of all he sees and knows and wants to 'get back to' to Famous Shoes in Commanche Moon, McMurtry's book I just read..the Indian tracker who wants to go back and analyze a thing he finds in the desert..always studying, the hoarder intends to study..intends to learn from, create out of...and does have the available time...what to do? throw away the clocks??

Monday, November 21, 2016

the hoarders' ethic

yep, we're living in a post nuclear age for sure and I'm just about on top of being one of those above referred to individuals because I've got nothing in the way of true love and family....on the surface..and possessions keep flowing into my space while all around me things are disintegrating... son informed this summer such is the case with my's going to topple over on its pins in another year or two...he said...welll..I've done what I can do about throw money at a thing and hope that it'll get better but there you doesn't because money isn't what it, passion...all my pension went into seeing that the house was shored up and liveable but when you're the main bait for and this is the funny part...gladhanded extraterrestrial boogies...hehe...what I have to call them...and perenially in love with mr wonderful rc cola...which you can't say because 'they' still hold the patent on the form itself (United Artists and such)...
so I sigh and wonder why it is there's twenty of everything in the house and you can see the confusion of the hoarder's I NEED twenty of everything??nope..but I have many pair of shoes??  just bought another pair today and promptly got them all wet moving a ...dishwasher, which I already have one of , give to me free, like this is an issue, has been an issue..I think you could say hoarders in general have financial issues that have caused them to blow a gasket my house the upstairs is an attic..and I've had a ladder posted on duty to get up there and empty it and I've been pretty good with that for several months but hit a brick wall when it came to the Halloween stuff..would you believe I have a blue fox fur short jacket in the Halloween stuff..if I could market that somewhere I could earn some bread to make some foundation repairs...and it sits disintegrating in the Halloween stuff along with platform shoes from Mexico that lace to the mid calf (very cool at any age and my size (sp??) because they were my daughter's)  well I don't know that the blue Fox is disintegrating but somehow I think Mick Jagger gave that fur to me and that's gonna happen..but once upon a time there was a picture of him in a teen magazine and guess what he was sporting, gripping the mike...well, we called it the
"Mick Jagger special" ever after..because that was the first time we'd ever seen it..for reals...anywhere..and you'll have to figure out to which I refer...
so, the Hoarder's ethic...keep it because it's raining...
maybe it's dry, maybe it's cold, maybe it's the middle of a hot beautiful summer day and you're alone..that's what the keep the garbage thing is...not so much alone as recognizing there were times in your life when things were pretty good...even beautiful...and you aren't living that experience're posted via the ...  to a place that you knew was going to be kind of rumcumslie
new word if you look at it in binary.cctt you'll see what I mean..kind an elaborate offworld sort of word to get past having your face seared off with a blowtorch when you walk into grandold macro cumdiddie's world...
hoarder's are fighting giving up..they accumulate...they do not process...process is a big thing...
they're working towards something and they're not sure exactly what that is...they'll find it someday...maybe they drink...and they forget...and they have a concept...and it's not a great've seen them..a little pale from struggling with the attendant agoraphobia that seems to premeditate the anguish of stepping over yesterday's news, piled up ...dolls are a certainty.there's always a few, sometimes many and  you know what those mean..once upon a time there was a demon named Chuckie who represented the myriads of dolls we had to face..he's gone and then there was the Insane Clown Posse to whose music I once painted my house and then had it repossessed in favor of the very name 'operation'..aka the first hoarder I ever knew, a gal named Opal Owens..very untrustworthy individual who wrote nice checks...(the doll factor) kind of grim this evening..they still can warp the news...these interlopers...if they are such..oh I think they are...and I think I'll have to get up in the attic and get out that blue fox and make myself some dinner tonight and watch the telly a bit and forget we elected donald the rump...and concentrate on a blue tomorrow where things like shingles are a means to covering a roof and not breaking out in a wreath of sore eye @ sis...
there you go, first notes on hoarding...(we hold the roof on while the soviet union tries to blow us all to kingdom come)...
the hoarder's manual page 1

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

soo feets in the sand

we're going to have to do something about this state of affairs...first thing is to get ready  to fly to dc for the inauguration parada...wearing prada?  I doubt it...we'll just do a rerun of the reagan inauguration in which I wore grandpa's army jacket from WWI, same lace to the knee boots..cap over ears...plenty of leaflets..and a sincere spiel about the leaflet being actually a ticket to the new planet discovered that our first nations have determined is a wonderful place for a new 'sub' erb..
that'll work...
that'll be the only time anyone gets to leave this world aware he is doing so and if he doesn't take the flyer and agree to the terms he gets to stay here and dissolve into dust with the rest of the sorry crew that thought it was a good idea to ignore the Minuteman caution broadcast the last week of the campaign...swear we're headed...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

flight of the conchords skit 1

don't remember the dudes' names but there's the two musicians, their music is exquisite and the crappy manager who isn't funny a toll and then the sappy gf that follows them around and is longing to squiddle one or the other of them, apparently she likes one better than t'other but don't remember who's who in that department...anyways chick at BP had their foc shirt on so it reminded me that I could be not enjoying the bp and home writing this instead so that is what I'll do...actually the bp was fine, kids were having a vgt but when I saw that shirt I thought I should come home and write this instead of standing around looking stupid much here it goes

one guy is winfred one guy is tweet mgr is dumb...
dumb:  ok boys, got you a gig
tweet:  where is this gig?
dumb:  why, it's in is decent fgor a change
'fred: how so?
dumb:  after my cut well, you'll get three lamb chops, a case a beer and twenty dollars
tweet:  three lamb chops?
dumb:  that's what they said, it's a party in the street
'fred:  yeah?
dumb:  yep..they called me this afternoon, said they heard your music was 'exquisite' and that you should come play for them, wanna?
fred:  do we?
tweet:  when is this?
dumb:  oh in about three hours
tweet:  ahh...tghe laundry shold be outa the drier by then yeah?
'fred: should think so...
dumb:  forget the laundry, you got sheila for that
fred:  we do, we have sheila for that, shall I give her a ring
dumb:  please use the phone
tweet:  sheila, can you go to the corner and get our dudes outa the machine?  forth and fifth..
fred:  fourth and fifth, that's right, mind she takes out the febric softener sheets please and thank you
tweet:  mind you take out the fabric softener sheets, put them in my jeans' pocket if you would
fred:  right then, how we gonna get there?
dumb:  that's all taken care of, they're pickin' you up here
tweet:  correctomundo..and we got our guitars with us, so we're good to go..ahh, but combing of the hair
fred:  yes yes, combing of the hair
tweet:  reminds me of when I had the tiny closegt to myself doesn't it...playing a bp..
fred:  yes, indeed...what shall we sing
tweet: imagine would work
fred:  our imagine
tweet:  yep
fred:  how does that one go?
tweet:  imagine you were here with me and life was everything it could be
if we
were here
fred:  oh that's right, plays the chors accorednig to the song...
they sing together acapella..dumb hands them their instruments...they're seen riding to the gig in the milk truck that dumb has wnagled rides for them still singing imagine

imagine you were here with me and everything was as it could be if we
were here together
together walking in the park
together sitting in the dark
watching the stars
all through the night
holding each other tight

believe that this is how it could be if we were where we should be
instead of where we are are now which is nowhere because there
is no you and I it's a fantasy I have been playing in my head
like a record heard over and over I wish I had said can you join me
tonight for a spot of moonlight can you whisper I would and I certainly could
accomodate negotiate elaborate extrapolate anything for you
oh what I would do


dump:  that's a right nice one boys when did you do that?
tweet:  oh we been kickin' it around a bit
fred:  while we was doin' the laundry actually
tweet:  that's right, hope sheila finds all the socks
fred:  she will, are you kiddin' me...she'll probably bake cookies to with 'em
tweet:  yeah, she'll bake cookies, I could do with a cookie
fred:  when we gettin' the lambchops??
dumb:  soon's the gig's through, they're bringing you back in the brother's butcher van, he's got a business down the street, the bp is serving dogs and brew and chops and slaw and what else now..oh yeah melons..and you're the entertainment
tween:   kool..

music is simple tune in c (of course doodoo dadadadadada doodoo dadadadada doodoo dadadadada..played it at CCH634pmID)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

off and running in a glaringly bright november day

I am in arizona with my daughter and her family.  there is a new baby this year, her name is Scarlette Rose and she has just turned oneyear of age.  she is presently fussy on the floor because her mother has taken her older brother Harrison to his preschool class.  The class meets just down the street but this morning Harrison went by himself without his sister.  Scarlett is not happy about this but we have been able to cajole her somewhat about b eing left behind.
I am contemplating a dip in the pool,even though in November the weather is a bit cooler and the water in the pool respondingly so.  I am reading Elin Hildenbrand 'the love season' while I lounge in the sun and eat too much.  I should have some yhogurt this morning.  talking about eating too much.  outside the dogs are scratching their hides on the pool fence, erected to keep the toddler/babies out of the poolside area.  I have been drawing with my pastels I bought yesterday in Mesa.  I did need some pastels.  I also got a new sketchbook.which I am drawing pictures of the kids in, their parents are the doting type, this is a pretty happy little home where every moment of the day is its own jewel and treasure.  there is none of the unpleasantness of family's very restful and inviting.  I find my own moments of discomfort have nothing to do with the activity around me, only the adding up of previous times wherein I might have fared worse had I not faith in the times ahead...this kind of momentary anxiety quickly passes in this bright sun and good food, plenty of rest, liquids, exercise, holding babies...playing with grandson in the pool, helping daughter make supper...eating chocolate chip cookies and watching HDtV about how to upgrade my own living quarters...
the reading material isn't exactly classic but it is light and entertaining..I get frustrated with the characters lack of insight but, heck, I didn't write this, someone else did..that is a challenge to an author, how to make their character/protaganist...truly sing!!!!

Friday, September 9, 2016

running low on pay shunts

gotten very frustrating the last few days or so...have 'dave' the roofer here putting on the metal roofing materials and oh boy, I had a subroof cut at McLanahan lumber and what does good ol dave do but NOT tear off the torchdown roof, not remove the rolled roofing, not take out any of the corroded rafters and NAIL the metal roof right over eberyting...I guess I'm going to tear out my hair and start screaming, he's got it just about all nailed down..makes you think everyone is in cahoots to charge arms and legs for stuff that needs doing and that I COULD HAVE DONE THIS B ETTER BY MYSELF..

Saturday, July 2, 2016

sunday tomorrow

kay nelson has passed away..went to forks to tell mom this she was surprised we shared her meal then I got mine in the café, she is still putting her head on the table in fatigue after a little exertion..haven't heard from tony about doing the roof a great inertia today weather not good enough to do yardsale though time was very available for it next weekend very busy for sekiu days feets cold finished one hundred years of solitude and god created them all and now a dick francis racing book whiplash to start appreciating the summer but it's going fast great urge to go camping muffler rattling need ball joints ebrake adjusted well, at this time haven't seen tim around at all looked up Julius on facebook him and deb got together in 2013 so they're married a year now about writing and stuff going on midnight should head to bed wondering when it's my turn..supposed to be sunny tomorrow..god bless us one and all..

Thursday, May 19, 2016


have to leave soon but do have the puter working sort's a good thing...supposed to bring over selected writings..for publication in latest edition of Strait Tales..have some selected although they got a bit reshuffled with the boys visiting...
kind of a sort of sunny day...just painted toenails blue..watching 'how to kill your neighbor's dog'...profanity very obvious...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

living too old to be a cat

well, you have to wonder how long it's going to go on and if it really isn't about holding up a fake fort in a fake universe with only the DOS to supply an many macros does it take to char a reject???
something like that...
philosophy for nerdonecromancers
am I really committed to getting HC into the office of the P when I know for certain what the obstacles are and a roast beef might be so much better??

Monday, February 15, 2016

omigod is it raining

that's what it's doing all right..and there's a story I wanted to write which I should practice on was a f unny one, am getting this vague recollection of what is whas, ahh..the four knock corner, that's what it was..
I was on an ambulance call in the rain last night, we went way past the four knock corner and we got to stand at either end of the site with our stop/slow signs directing traffic, staying in touch by ambulance...
in order to distract myself because I worry unbearably on the way to the scene about what grisly evidence may be there in terms of human anguish...luckily this was not one of those times although the rain never let up and Norm was his usual peevish self...nag nag we don't hop and skip and jump fast enough for that motherfucker...hehe..
anyways, as we were rounding the four knock corner up from where the Merrill Ring tree farm offices are located, I recalled that I need to write a story for writers' group about the four knock corner and why I call it that...
it happened maybe twenty-twenty five years ago...we had been in Port Angeles, we were still riding around in the big old 1979 cougar...I'd had the top recovered in fake alligator vinyl because it leaked...I'd tried to decoupage Queen Latifa pictures on the inner ceiling, didn't work, but it was a wide and comfortable ride 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

here I am...signed sealed deLibbered... a cell phone to call the kids from sweethearts on..and I ain't gettin' no news from now here these days...just grumpy...sounds like...should be off and running in the nowhere to here time as far as I can see that Mow.rin winn is glomming onto the good stuff first off can you see her with the bag o likrish...seems she did that at the red hats and took a whole pie, hehe...interesting...always so breathless and can't wait a minute can't talk without being breathless it's interesting such masculine features lot like bonnie beck reminded me of PROGENY in the hands of the profumo doubt it is...while we sit d umbfounded watching how did that happen?? hmm

Saturday, January 30, 2016

sleeper on the downside

not sur e about how to do t he assigned job t hing...not sharing with new car/sound domicile
been out cleaning the front of the building, sweeping up mud (shoveling it)...putting away Christmas tree and photographs from previous years of photo displays...sun is staying steady...kind of wandering off into t he bliss of s unshine to investigate t he rest of the day...more or less...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

legend of LarEthan

have to renew my thoughts on PL and LarEthan...tried to fall asleep thinking of it the other night and succeeded to the point of not thinking of it anymore except for now when a hamburger is more interesting (lunch time)...
Lar Ethan and LeeA I guess I have to give her a new name because LukeAs has taken that one (hence the pinworm epidemic...() clears throat
LarEthan and hmmmwell anyway the other person was me so I liked the name Shouter Minka when I was a teenager then I thought 'how stupid is that' and was embarassed and now I haven't thought about it enough to consider it for any purpose well...she had a name I thought it was Leia
probably is and he was LarEthan and he came from one planet now I forget that one hers/mine was Masspaqua Masspeiqua..that his I don't know does it matter?  they came together to forge the universal alliance because the trading worlds were warring and little did they know there was an organized bad guy .org big EEmperor who was waiting to sabotage the alliance I met LarEthan at the conference of the two main worlds that wanted this Masspeiqua and 'the other one'...LarEthan's planet...
he was the son of the r uling family and I was the daughter of Masspequat rulers (something like that)...we were both well educated I was a mathematician he was a naturalist he was a loin girder I was quite pretty but quite smart as is what we went for on Masspeiqua...
so we both come to this conference as represenattives of our worlds and we take one look at one another and that's it...boom chachacha...
and we tell each other right away, hey man, this is it make my night AND my day..
so we disucssed what to do about it and this took several days and we were holding the conference on a secondary world a natural world where only the animals lived and it had a structure to house our conference but otherwise was totally not builded days of conference how to organize the federation...and then we're on a walk in a field...and we begin to kiss one another and we lie down in the grass and hold each other kissing and we experience the first orgasm together but it isn't penetration it's just the excitement of the we haven't breached the portals yet and he says that we should make a union before we go further and we both agree this is a good thing
so he prepares to return to Nol...something...I can't remember what I called it, it was an A drive floppy story at one point...he returns to his family home to get a ring to signify that we will be wed we don't call it that we call it a union and we do not see that our parents have devised this to seal the union that creates the federation...we just love each other meanwhile...while he is enroute to me with t his ring...the big E...destroys  his ship...and I am devastated although the federation is created and continues to grow till this day...I am heartbroken for a time but then I meet the Jedi knight that is a great leader in the Federation and I marry him instead...though my youth is devoted to the hours with LarEthan... I am able to find happiness with another...something like that...

Saturday, January 2, 2016

confusing issues of substantive articulation

joanna has left me a present at the visit center, along with all the books I loaned her or that she might have and evidently has finished with along with giving me a scarf and hat I've been moving the moldy hay to the low spots in the yard (back)...breathless with excitement over my landscaping effort, curious about having given the derelict my last twenty bucks for some roof attention and then..the car is messed up..I'm reluctant to pop in the new 30amp fuse that will perhaps get my heater motor running again, I shouldn't think there'd be a problem because it was repaired two years ago for about eight hundred dollars...anyways...taken a punch out of me having a disabled car...I am driving it from the house to the visit center where I am plugging away entertaining the roving few...a lady just in with car sic kness, kind of wanted to heave everywhere she did...and after the moldy hay what do you think?  that's what I think...kind of leery to get that going on...I guess they could import bobby smathers for the car repair but I don't think that's going to happen, I could wait till Monday and see if Gary F could have a look at it...he's song and danced me as bad as Fred Astaire about things motor I am reluctant to do this I could beg from JoAnn Willard, rightly so the corrective venture here would be listen to moldy Dylan Thomas who sat outside the visit center last night when I was walking the dogs didn't even get warmed up stayed in 'jerry's coat' all evening hovering over the      fire..which burned bright but wasn't that warm, still unraveling some pesky snarled yard another party rolls in and doesn't stop here it's from that book 'love medicine' by L erdich somewhere's around here that real name...the character Lipsha Murray who beats a different drum and talks resolutely about not knowing what he's really up to...that kind of know when you go down you want to go...meanwhile was hoping for a dose of what ails me. far as t hat goes water goes dangerously out of the radiator when the heater fan/motor isn't running
have put in the fuse, haven't not started the motor, keys still in the chair next to me under the lunch pail..where I've picked up another Twix to keep my nerves steady..this thing abou the mechanic well it unnerves me but it is what it is...I have a gift card from my son for fifty dollars that would help the mend but would be a small part of the cost of a new fan motor for t he beast..a better automobile is what I need I think but this one has been sturdy and reliable so far, I've been t hrough the 'catalog of husbands' and the only one not taken is actual r ussell himself...checked the radiator fluid wasn't draining away but t his heater fan issue escapes'd want the kid to be right, no??
like I could pull all the weeds out of the garden fretting over what car repairs culd cost..and there goes Al Pelletier..late afternoon blushing from experience in nirvana...people out tooling
wanted to get down t he dirt and gritty there, couldn't work with the local fellas too bossy and irritating..kind of pushy mean don't know where their arse is headed sort of wastrel kind of nothingness t hat belies what curtain falls over much to do, got a bit done today..planted the sprouting garlic, never found the cache
so I guess t hat would mean a thing or the back hatch defroster fuse..a bit cold standing out there vacuuming and so on..if I have to take it to the shop I suppose I want to clean it up a bit...I to know where the back end of the car f use panel is because defroster hasn't worked for almost a year and I think that's what it is..probably a lock on the website t hat spills out the  beans on the autoexecutor state I pilot...(and where's Joyce these days?) between the spills of origin we have before us two vacuums from Kirby with all their parts and then some that have been dismantled before our very eyes as if we had any cause to wonder about that..I'd like to be specific..