Saturday, November 5, 2016

flight of the conchords skit 1

don't remember the dudes' names but there's the two musicians, their music is exquisite and the crappy manager who isn't funny a toll and then the sappy gf that follows them around and is longing to squiddle one or the other of them, apparently she likes one better than t'other but don't remember who's who in that department...anyways chick at BP had their foc shirt on so it reminded me that I could be not enjoying the bp and home writing this instead so that is what I'll do...actually the bp was fine, kids were having a vgt but when I saw that shirt I thought I should come home and write this instead of standing around looking stupid much here it goes

one guy is winfred one guy is tweet mgr is dumb...
dumb:  ok boys, got you a gig
tweet:  where is this gig?
dumb:  why, it's in is decent fgor a change
'fred: how so?
dumb:  after my cut well, you'll get three lamb chops, a case a beer and twenty dollars
tweet:  three lamb chops?
dumb:  that's what they said, it's a party in the street
'fred:  yeah?
dumb:  yep..they called me this afternoon, said they heard your music was 'exquisite' and that you should come play for them, wanna?
fred:  do we?
tweet:  when is this?
dumb:  oh in about three hours
tweet:  ahh...tghe laundry shold be outa the drier by then yeah?
'fred: should think so...
dumb:  forget the laundry, you got sheila for that
fred:  we do, we have sheila for that, shall I give her a ring
dumb:  please use the phone
tweet:  sheila, can you go to the corner and get our dudes outa the machine?  forth and fifth..
fred:  fourth and fifth, that's right, mind she takes out the febric softener sheets please and thank you
tweet:  mind you take out the fabric softener sheets, put them in my jeans' pocket if you would
fred:  right then, how we gonna get there?
dumb:  that's all taken care of, they're pickin' you up here
tweet:  correctomundo..and we got our guitars with us, so we're good to go..ahh, but combing of the hair
fred:  yes yes, combing of the hair
tweet:  reminds me of when I had the tiny closegt to myself doesn't it...playing a bp..
fred:  yes, indeed...what shall we sing
tweet: imagine would work
fred:  our imagine
tweet:  yep
fred:  how does that one go?
tweet:  imagine you were here with me and life was everything it could be
if we
were here
fred:  oh that's right, plays the chors accorednig to the song...
they sing together acapella..dumb hands them their instruments...they're seen riding to the gig in the milk truck that dumb has wnagled rides for them still singing imagine

imagine you were here with me and everything was as it could be if we
were here together
together walking in the park
together sitting in the dark
watching the stars
all through the night
holding each other tight

believe that this is how it could be if we were where we should be
instead of where we are are now which is nowhere because there
is no you and I it's a fantasy I have been playing in my head
like a record heard over and over I wish I had said can you join me
tonight for a spot of moonlight can you whisper I would and I certainly could
accomodate negotiate elaborate extrapolate anything for you
oh what I would do


dump:  that's a right nice one boys when did you do that?
tweet:  oh we been kickin' it around a bit
fred:  while we was doin' the laundry actually
tweet:  that's right, hope sheila finds all the socks
fred:  she will, are you kiddin' me...she'll probably bake cookies to with 'em
tweet:  yeah, she'll bake cookies, I could do with a cookie
fred:  when we gettin' the lambchops??
dumb:  soon's the gig's through, they're bringing you back in the brother's butcher van, he's got a business down the street, the bp is serving dogs and brew and chops and slaw and what else now..oh yeah melons..and you're the entertainment
tween:   kool..

music is simple tune in c (of course doodoo dadadadadada doodoo dadadadada doodoo dadadadada..played it at CCH634pmID)

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