Thursday, December 1, 2016

flight of the conchords skit 4 (I think)

ok this has to be marginal becaue this morning I saw daisy mae working the lights and the carport with silly dumpling and I felt my age..which is natural normal and ok and it's fine and I'm good and so what and yada...but it deserves a skit with the two funny guys if I can write it that way

at the apartment: 
bree:  well, I think I'm going out for a stroll
whee:  you do that, I'm staying in, got my fitness exercises to do, got my socks to wash, I could put on some soup for when you get back?
bree:  you could..or I could pick something up
whee:  you could do that?  I should dearly love a pickle sandwich
bree:  a pickle sandwhich...did I say I was amde of money
whee:  no you said you could pick something up
whee:  to which do you refer  the trash?
bree:  actually no..I was thinkiing I might wish to sit in a cafe with something on my own, that's all
whee:  ahhh
bree:  yes, ahh...that is what I should like to do at this point in time
whee:  well, then yes, my socks need a wash,  you go..we'll practice later yes?
bree:  yes, I should like another guitar pick while I'm out
whee:  a guitar pick and a something..the list grows
bree:  the list does not's my options presenting never know, I could meet someone on the street...there's the challenge...there's the opportunity...
whee:  onward goes the Christian crusader into the fray...and a little something for his effort
bree:  ok, liverwurst ok?
whee:  you know me too well
bree:  see ya
(goes out the door)
whee sings a song

he's like a penny in the street this friend of mine
always looking for adventure whatever he can find
there's the wash to do the tea to set
he'll bring me back a sandwich yet
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me...he thinks of me

and when I'm pushing the broom about the place
it's his stuff gets the toss into the room he makes his space
but I'm good with it and I don't mind his never picking up the place we share
he's out for some air
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me he thinks of me

when he comes back in an hour or two he might have a friend along
and then we'll see what we do might have to share the sandwich
might have to brew some tea we'll see
you'll see
you'll see
he thinks of me he thinks of me

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