Wednesday, November 2, 2016

off and running in a glaringly bright november day

I am in arizona with my daughter and her family.  there is a new baby this year, her name is Scarlette Rose and she has just turned oneyear of age.  she is presently fussy on the floor because her mother has taken her older brother Harrison to his preschool class.  The class meets just down the street but this morning Harrison went by himself without his sister.  Scarlett is not happy about this but we have been able to cajole her somewhat about b eing left behind.
I am contemplating a dip in the pool,even though in November the weather is a bit cooler and the water in the pool respondingly so.  I am reading Elin Hildenbrand 'the love season' while I lounge in the sun and eat too much.  I should have some yhogurt this morning.  talking about eating too much.  outside the dogs are scratching their hides on the pool fence, erected to keep the toddler/babies out of the poolside area.  I have been drawing with my pastels I bought yesterday in Mesa.  I did need some pastels.  I also got a new sketchbook.which I am drawing pictures of the kids in, their parents are the doting type, this is a pretty happy little home where every moment of the day is its own jewel and treasure.  there is none of the unpleasantness of family's very restful and inviting.  I find my own moments of discomfort have nothing to do with the activity around me, only the adding up of previous times wherein I might have fared worse had I not faith in the times ahead...this kind of momentary anxiety quickly passes in this bright sun and good food, plenty of rest, liquids, exercise, holding babies...playing with grandson in the pool, helping daughter make supper...eating chocolate chip cookies and watching HDtV about how to upgrade my own living quarters...
the reading material isn't exactly classic but it is light and entertaining..I get frustrated with the characters lack of insight but, heck, I didn't write this, someone else did..that is a challenge to an author, how to make their character/protaganist...truly sing!!!!

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