Tuesday, May 5, 2015

heard from the beg kahuna

mmhmmm...good ol billjay was your typical droid, loose as a goose and pissing on your head if he had had too much, dad was a real bludgeoner to him, couldn't be helped, had to marry damudder and that's how it was...cause billjay was on the way...so he finally passed on, tried from the time he was a teenager to cross the golden rainbow and he finally did it...lots of good times with him but there it is, couldn't be helped and definitely didn't want to get in the way of John Jay, he was a lean mean frightening machine and passed on while we were still in s hort pants, thank goodness, same is true of the latest gabriel judgement  honoree, I say gabriel but I mean peter, maybe gabriel's the angel that decides if they can even ask if they get into heaven, hmmm...well in this case it is PL who dropped, and now there's only DL which is the two of them together in a big pork sandwich...as I see it the trouble hasn't gone away but there's no fascista element to it now, it's just going to be totally mean whatever happens and I know my biggest eldest is in the middle of it (transmission to prove ...hehe) and then t here's DL who's in the hospital with stitches up his back...want to ask if he's ok he's coming  home tomorrow, but might want to let sleeping dogs lie for a little longer, maybe...anyways, off to the firehall pretty quick here, need to go home and do some dishes, big old t hunder clouds up there looking ominous and girls have a fore sale sign in t he winder at the gallery but haven't discussed what the plan is on that...figure  it's actually my property but won't go there until the curtains are lifted in the dark night of time passing...course I went and bought a lotto ticket for ten bucks to try and get t he grease together for the dentist this week but didn't win nothing and lost my only ten bucks in the process which was totally not fun but there it is...use this blog to spout off and being as I was in this life on this beach hundreds of years ago in a different life, I should be talking about clam harvest and what washe dup on the shore but I'm in reality as I see it and t he dishes need doing and the dogs are in the house by themselves and life's not real interesting ot her t han I truly  need extra work to put together some money but it'll all work out
meanw hile..off to the races of life and somewhat integrated into that the passing of PL and hopefully DL and DL are ICBM, hmm???t hat could work, hehe

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