Tuesday, May 26, 2015

a nonedited world...

as I was writing about Cause Boy and Jeannette I saw myself reading this glib little toesander to m y writing circle, specifically the patron saint of roasting yourself.  I realized I would never read Cause Boy's intro piece but I could work more on the Seth Roen attitude..and that's not a typo just him reading interesting newspaper articles like the time Almost calle dup from down south a ways and said the kids at his military school were thinking it would be nice for a rqace relations band tour down their way and would Daddo do that for his kinky counterparts in the gray serge...shoot we even had a cat named Sergie for a while...full name: Surge Protector...that's  how school dug its toenails into Almost, cause's oldest and most fullsome...well, trying to make this a Seth Rogen standup 'essential' as it were and if I keep dialed to the write station (I see my thermo reading here is like 'not even particulating'...clears throat... I might get there...
tomorrow's our read aloud day and I'd to have something not out of the manual of I am a living breathing human being dudes...but yes, my memory is inteact and I'm not writing this to say I can still remember things...like how will I ever forget my daughter's conversation with me today "as far as perrfect people go...you aren't" pretty much the summation of what she said...and therefore, am not so inclined to be of humor but eh...she's lpregnant or something or something and I can't be bothered with her attitude adjusting...now that's something Rogen might get a tooth or two into...the sassiness of progeny...


first off let me say this about that...a kid age fifteen, or a bit younger or a bit older...is not the only known authority in the universe about anything or everything or something.  if a parent lets this child become an adult still thinking that himself is the last word on your bangs or your suit, you are in for a lifetime of trouble because this child will ever after remember to remind you you encouraged him to be a brilliant light in a dull world.  That he may shine in your world like retread tires or peeling paint is beyond the point.  He doesn't live next door anymore because he's all grown up and spending what you have on things to make him fatter, more sacrosanct.  He will be there at the appointed time: death of an immediate family member, drug overdose, class reunion (his, of course) but never for something like a cup of tea and hot cookies fresh out of the oven.  He just can't be bothered because you told him he was a success...He's out there proving it to you, especially, , because you're the one who said it in the first place...that he would be a success.
Try to see this kid when  he's first got the brain wheels grinding and you're doing that encouraging parent thing with him, he's probably just flushed the poddy by himself and you make it out to be signing the Declaration of Independence.  See yourself saying to him:  Mudhjan, no one but your small self would make such an integral connection to this process.  You are without a doubt the most clever person Allah ever allowed to thrive on this plane... come, we must go see to the olives and toss down a few while we are at it. Mudhjan is at this time a tender two and a half but you've just told him he's really Leonardo Da Vinci and you're going to get him a drivers' license that says so, so he can drive everywhere running over other peoples' chickens proving this point.   This is what parents do to their progeny in their misguided wish to be enthusiastic of the intepretation they have of how much they adore their children.  It's not really too much of a good thing as no one in this world gets enough love and that's why God made us in the first place in his image so we'd be able to withstand the idea we're not really Him and so  we will always be lacking the wherewithall it takes to transcend good and evil.  We can depend on the Almighty to let us get it wrong  and only if we're above ground do we have the right to fix it ourselves.
When it comes to our kids we can really take a left turn for Boston w hen we hit Philly.  We think we're headed in the right direction until good ol Scranton shows up on the roadsigns and we wonder maybe it's time to find the Brandywine and see if Andrew Wyeth really is everywhere around there.    Yeah, this kid relations thing has been going on since kids were saying it that way "why.eth must I do ith it this way?? or probably in Adam and Eve's day...adam jr or 'cain' as he was known..is asking about the ripe pugencillia that specifically got the family barred from 'the good place' where a.j. (adam jr./cain) was fond of floating in a particularly warm pond of a summer afternoon and he missed that yummy fruit that hung over the pond and he could just snatch a morsel here and there as he floated along...  He asks his pops: "when we movin' back to the 'hood, Adam??' because AJ is abrupt and partial at the same time, at least in how he sees himself talking to good old Dad..  That''s when father Adams (or put yourself in his shoes and go for it)  tells his son, "kid, we're not returning because we  did something our Father in Heaven said we s houldn't..." now, I don't know if it was your mother having a midnight snack, or you just having it fall in  your lap and you ate it, or how it happened, but it did and we don't get to go back there and float around in the warm watter any more, not to mention idealize the pugencilia in carvings and odes and nonspecific cave paintings,"   Herein in Adam's innocent belief in his son's nonintegral position as to his own portion of the collective consciousness...this is where the anytime parent will do the same...'this kid is such an icon to me I can't see the forest at all for that one lovely tree'..and so you do...so you musteth..
let ye fall down flat on ye face should get that kid's head so swelled up he thinks he daVinci though...  never for one second let it be known your heart bursts with pride at their first step but yet you may brag even and later and soon about the same action t his child performed if only  you have that bit of humilty to it that the child is very aware of as it was  his first life's lesson from you "I'm not the greatest person ever to exist, only Jesus got to be that guy, probably Buddha and Siddhartha gave lessons to Jesus on how to be invincible but I'm not ever going to be those guys.  I'm going to be the best guy I can be and next to my supreme being of choice, I love my folks best of all.."  t hat's what you oughtta teach your kids..not that they are DaVinci..but that you are?  right??

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