Tuesday, April 21, 2015

a years worth of aluminum cans

just been to bellingham to the technical college there for dental work...am due back on May 7 for a cleaning which will be 47 dollars.  I had been saving to see the new baby in October, the son in Maui and the hot water heater...after this recent trip I am down to nothing again because of hotel expenses that I hadn't counted on.  I was told in March that I could stay on an 'air mattress' but then when I got there at 9pm sitting in the car in the back alley of 'the place' the facts were suddenly illuminated in black and in white: nope, never said that, this is not that kind of house, the roommates say no...and so on...and 'forgot' you were coming...and so on...and you see this big fat effigy trotting around in the meetings you go to and the prayers you make sucking up all the good that you hope comes from this life and know that that is the voice that is saying 'I never said that'..as though it were a countenance that actually holds water/which I know it doesn't because I've seen it leaking out all over the slacks of an adolescent/son thereof...meanwhile, funds for another trip to the technical college are nonexistent and I don't know where I can raise six hundred dollars to make the trip because all my savings went into accomplishing this last visit...I was trying to be resolved on my return home to get the funds together for the next adventure, cleaned up the garage and sorted out all the aluminum cans, which there were several large bags full.  "I'll take them to the recycle place and get money for them to start my work towards the next trip" I thought.  Well, I drove into town this morning with the back of the station wagon loaded with flattened aluminum cans.  When I get there I see an obviously mentally challenged young man in a coverall sorting out a great wad of copper wire.  Two men inside the building come towards me and retrieve my great sacks of cans which they promptly dump into their scale
Eleven dollars and seventy cents is what they gave me for my day and a half worth of labor sorting out all those cans.  That is how I am beginning my work to get the resources together to make the trip back to the technical college to have my chipped teeth worked on.  I think about the things I could do to make money but I keep coming back to the fact that what I did have saved went for hotel rooms.  I feel angry about that but I am trying to dissolve that anger with productive reasoning.  T his seems to be in short supply as I contemplate t he fact that I have not yet paid the electric bill for this month, nor the telephone which was exorbitantly high last month.  I haven't opened that bill yet and it too is due...I've also been served with notice that Discover is suing me so there are some big thunder clouds on the horizon...
his quiet voice tells me to be confident, that it will all work out well yet eleven dollars and seventy cents is a paltry beginning to this challenge...I wonder what I can do...certainly there is enough 'stuff' in my house to create a yard sale but who is this little town needs any of it?   certainly the goodwill chain stores are pricing their goods for a lot more than they used to but when it comes to a little yard sale like I would have, prices would be so low they'd be like giving things away..it's a challenge.. I know I'm up for it but I am truly concerned, it's been like this for some time, I don't know the solution, I could paint the backroom at the church and bill for it but it certainly wouldn't be six hundred dollars, which I need for  this next trip 300 for the chipped front teeth and 47 for the cleaning, two nights in the hotel, a wednesday and a thursday, gasoline for the trip...seems like a miracle waiting to happen...I told my mother about my concerns.  she was her usual self about this situation...'on my little pittance I couldn't help out at all'...'pat doesn't get anything'...that sort of thing...I thought about calling a family member 'can you loan me six hundred dollars??'...hmmm...haven't heard from that one for months now...likely why because I've never asked that question

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