Tuesday, October 7, 2014

here we are and here's what I've heard

Liz is with us now..her annual visit, in the time of the mushroomhunting...occurs during a particularly dry spell for us, by now the rain has come and we are socked in by it, planning our escapes to warmer climates - wendy is on her way to Kahalui in the next day or so...Martha and Paul have left for San Diego and the Norfolk pine has been established at the Sekiu Center...tonight we meet for WEYCC to discuss the apple cider pressing we did Saturday and raised $530..there's a firehall meeting as well but I may only stay for the vehicle inspection as I am secretary for WEYCC...my mother is having issues of a sort, Monique Nelson died and she is very grieved over this as Monique was a great friend to her (when they were both cognizant)...as it stands, my mother is in failing health, weak, wobbly and frail/all words meaning the same thing but each a unique condition
on the front line with DL I am still unsure if I should give him a call or not, as he posted that he'd lost his cell phone and that people should call him so he'd have their number, I don't know that I should do this duh...very up in the air about it since he's not the most pleasant of people to be around, kind of biding my time although I do miss seeing him, he's posted pictures of himself with Dawn Gill, apparently that was his last visitor as he hasn't posted anything else since and I check that facebook page often...little spy that I am..have been settling into my new bedroom in the very back, did the bills this morning, cleaned up and sorted just a bit, should be there now but I'm here at the visitor center and there's someone in using his laptop for the wifi...I suppose I could be doing more research for my own pet projects but I'm not...charged up three dollars at the quarter store so I'll have to settle with them whenever I put some money in my wallet...still haven't spoken to JoAnn Willard and I miss her every day...I don't know why I'm avoiding her but I've been working with the new neighbor at the end of her block, Dana, and been driving right by her house where I used to feel so welcome..I guess God will give me an answer on that one, meanwhile my brother is taking my mother to the clinic today for a check up, my brother in Port Orchard has volunteered to take Mom for a while to give Pat a break 

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