Thursday, November 1, 2012


IF i ever figure out the caudal element on this laptop I'll be a little more fluent on it...kind of one of those again rainy days and the new roof is leaking as the proverbial sieve..trying to be resilent b ut I actually sat down and cried about it the other day...well, I think it was that I realized I had a crush on someone I saw at Neahby and there he was sitting across from me going like 'yeah, come on' let's do this, so I felt but I was so nervouse and stupid feeling, squirmy, have b een warned this one is a violent dude I guess, who knows..I think I can wrestle my own demons by now and I was sgtupid to kind of ignore him but I didn't ignore him, he's like I dunno, I realized it, that my heart was going boom boom boom hehe..stupid of me, keep saying gthat, I even have his phone in my directory, for why...but I guess I also think eh he ' my friend who isn't my friend anymore too so thart was something she didn't like him, she doesn't like anyone much but therehe is in living color and I'm very able to get up and go sit in his lap but I don't because I realize what? chicken...could make a year's worth of soup out of how I am...and yeah, he's like wearing the Hillerman he's going to know about dry places, what?  I don't know...I think stupid, like has been hit on the head by the caveman so all that remains is to be dragged off to the cave, right?  right...and there goes my what is it now 05 to 12 fetish about Russell Crowe duh...I think I hate this keypad, very sensitive, just cause the little pad of my palm is resting on some access feature here the text shrinks and I'm sitting there and trying not to look at him and looking, glancing, you know you get up close and there it goes, he gets the notion, you would want that, I went to his house and there's beer bottles everywhere and he's got a towel wrapped around his waste and his truck was repo'd just like mine...his had a rack of elk antlers hoooked on the back kind of looked dumb but that's what he had now driving a weanie little scotter while mine sits inj the garage going on four years, unassembled...and yeah, that's why I was crying when I got home, because I let it slide right on by me and didn't get into the groove, like I knew I could, man the text has shrunk agvain...

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