Saturday, November 10, 2012

from the source...the mermaid on the reef

this is a good day...the sun is out...of course, I have tobe upon theroof doing a bit of this and that,'s ok..big news isthat I am goingto Phoenix next week..tosee my little grandson, who will be one year old.  he has begun to take steps..he's learning to walk..he's also  saying a few words,  this is so exciting...I'm planning what to bring, what to wear on the traveling part of the trip...and it's also coming around to thanksgiving.  i hope I'll be home in time to cook a turkey for my family..not sure about that though..I'm coming back on standby and that's always a big 'if'...right now I'm at the library waiting for children to appear so that I can do the literacy action campaign we've been encouraged to initiate by our district governor for Lions Club.  I t hink kids must be outside playing today because there's only one young fellow here and he's on the computer..I thought that one had his own but apparently not..
on the other side of the matter, I'm no longer going on calls for the fire district 5 responder service...I'm still considered a student, therefore they think they have enough of a crew to do without the likes of me whodoesn't get on the calls often enough to remember where everything is and goes out in themiddle of the night halfawake without the proper what?  proper..hmmm..I did brush my teeth that last time but you know, I had 'bed' hair and it wouldn't lay down when I brushed, then James of our  last class who was in the coast guard is taking off for a transfer to Florida...and there's a couple of new faces in the new class one of whom is a policeman living out here this could be a good thing for our community, however we like the low key aspects of policing as it has happened here to now...I also got a call yesterday from Childrens about a new young man at my house they were going to call back yesterday afternoon, they did not..I'm leaving next wednesday for about a week and I told them that so maybe they'll get back with me after my return..we'll see...I think also that I'm a little frightened by my financial picture...I want to be brave and know that it will all work out buton the other hand..there are no jobs here, it's comlicated and you could do something over the internet butI haven't figured out what that to do it...I like to write stories, Iw as telling them last night to drewbie and she was saying, well, should write that down, I know I should write it down but do you kiss and tell?  I don't know that I actually 'kissed' but I didn't tell either, like the time I saw the body being welded into the car at the Wilson Center...guy had a blow torch welder cap with glass visual and never looked up into the dusty window where I was peaking in...the body was laid out behind the steering wheel and it looked like the singer, 'pink'...kind of , that brassy blonde hair...sort of the same body weight...thirty years later I'm being put on administrative leave by my two workmates who I finally told the story to...I didn't say anything to anyone for thirty years and then I do and they think I'm nuts...well, I assume they thought I was nuts because the next thing you know I'm being hauled off to the Intelligence and Investigations exam room, I don't think I had a union rep along and if I did it was probably the one person who wouldn't be very representative (he's more of a mouse than a person??? you get me?) I had to tell the story again about the I and my two small children were at the community garden behind the Wilson Center, going to water tomatoes and such...I climb up therickety platform and peak in the building where the autobody business is doing cars and what I see is t he body  being welded into the car bya guy with a blowtorch...that one mailroom worker, her husband committed suicide because she came back from Guatemala enciente...he loved the little boy, Mikie...but ...I guess she was pretty mean to him about the son's he did himself in...I remember him walking his dalmation up and down the street in front of Michelina Haus...the other person...she was the first one I knew to read Twilight and just raved aboutit like it was the best thing she ever read...she was pretty thick with  Guatemala girl...I imagine they are still holding court in the mailroom...while I think about a good way to describe a body being welded into a car and not get roasted for saying it happened...why I didn't speak before now?  no doubt it was a mob hit...although the Soviet Union was just up the street on 16th...their m bass 'e'...not a friendly atmosphere in that one would th I didn't speak because I had two small children with me...I never told my husband what I saw...but we moved later that year...or soon, I forget what the timeline was..but to lose my job over it?   doesn't seem fair...not that it was much of a job...and yeah, I did sign to the guatemala girl...'your evil ways frighten me' but she didn't understand that, merely had the intelligence and investigations office record that I had made some kind of weird sign to her that well, that must definitively prove my instability...which, after reading how people were living in their cars, skidding a quarter mile over gravel from a bike spill...showing their unclothed selves to one another...I guess...I'd be a little less prone to be sensible about what it was I was about, giggling, compassionate...something...hard to say...Guatemala girl was busily buying houses and cars from the insurance of her spouse...what I saw...butth en...that's why I didn't see much, because I did...I works out t hatway...and now I'm on my way to phoenix in a few days to see little Harrison start to walk and great...balance the one disappointment with the great joy of the other...what I do..what I'm good at...
I made a deepdish apple pie this morning while I watched a movie 'Legend of Sasquatch'...animated for kids...and meanwhile, still no kids showing up at the I'll go soon,  have to attend to  the roof issue and bring the pie to the Den for the Veterans' Day dinner there on Sunday (tomorrow) at 4...promised to help serve/clean up for that but we'll see if we need me, hehe...
should write something funny about the hilarity of working with people you suspect were cloned at Chernobyl...well I think they were...pretty sure the 'horses' mouth' would fit one of them if not both of aboutdreading to be around someone...well, there's a can of clams I haven't opened yet...s'all for that and more to come...when I finally feel as though this new kerchief we have...I guess DAd would have said something about it butSpider don't...and the newly repaired roof still leaks so go figure what Frankie Lloyd might want to observe about those marbles and t hat bag...when it gets creaky assume the wooks are in charge, I always say...doubt and fear and lusting over a native american in Neah Bay...about two blocks short of driving a hybrid again I wish...

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