Saturday, November 10, 2012

alan mckelvy and udders...

once upon atime I was in the market for a new apartment and I found one in Mt Pleasant on a tree lined street that turned out to have a giant great dane living upstairs who pooped all over the back yard which was about five feet by ten feet and through which I had to walk in order to get to my place in the basement which flooded like a river the first time it rained heavily because the drain at the front door was covered by big leaves...
the apartment was rented to me by a law student who asked me out...
then another friend of mine tells me there's unmarked cars parking in the alley by my place and do I know why there are unmarked cars surveilling my little crappy abode?
I say no...he says
because that guy you're seeing...his dad used to run the central intelligence agency
no way I say...he says ask'm
ok  so I do...and a little squealer standing on the piazza at the Ecuadorian embassy...which the law student was also trying to rent to someone (a greater disaster on a larger scale than my flood prone, poop smelling hacienda)...because it was across the street from the Soviet how did I know that was a scary place?  Idid not...but there it was in black and white and living color...and even many years later...I'm t hinking there's a story in this and there was...and it's not aboutbeating around the bush ...although when you're in bed with a politician you realize...hey, I could be one of those...and I would like to but I rather like to theorize, that's mygame...the what ifs...that embassy had the most beautiful twin ballroom where I got to dance a time or two...jete in a perfect world..
I don't think this computer will add the proper accent to that word but what do I know?
meanwhile...the lawstudent became ancient history and then I was in a steambath downtown with my sixfoot two friend with skin like Barack Obama...oh yeah, smart black cookie lady whom I felt safe walking the streets of the District of Columbia with...although we had a falling out the day I discovered her getting out of bed with a woman...she maintained she was not gay but she was, inevitably...we were pretty good buds until that day...and I never even had an opinion of her actions...I just was there and opened the dorr and she knew that I knew so then she was mad at me for knowing...but then, the steam room day, we're sitting in the sauna with these other chicks...all of us wrapped up in towels and hottern' you know what...and this blonde lady somehow I find out...she is sitting next to me and she is MARRIED to the law student from former days who by now has passed the bar and agreed to a little lunch once upon a time when I was desperate for money for some reason (we were always the very far end of the spectrum politically in those days...still are I'd guess..and never enough bread spread...of course... the now lawyer wants to know why the f I think he's going to buy me a volvo...hehe...I guess I know why he thinks that way because he's got himself a Ludmilla...she was from Ruskya..she said so...and I thought, that's about right..we'll h old all the dollars in the worlld in our little macro applications sponsored through our treasury and it will make sense to discredit us because of hip hurts...and so on into the night...I get a little battered and bleary at the retelling but the gist of it was...there's Miss Eleanor doing those fool jumping jacks and I'm looking at her laughing because her face is getting red from the exertion so then we're in the steam bath and this Ludmilla chick is talking about her husband whom she married and there it is in black and white when he tells me he owes me absolutely nothing and I shouldn't even think about what I could do or would do and don't have a job but have this odd bodyguard for running into Ludmilla?  it's funny...I could make a funny story of it but it is funny anyways see Wesley Snipes as a tranny in that exercise routine and you've kind of got a picture of how I saw it...but Ludmilla...I didn't find that funny at about a sachet in the underwear it's the greatly overweight former administrator of a certain coast guard station who's run off with the paraeducator from the reservation school and conceived a daughter that's now about four...they do seem to love one another

to be continued

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