Friday, August 14, 2015

Callandret containment issues

Culhane Callendret did resolve the mystery of the floating feet while he was hoping to hook a great salmon out in the wild wild west of the northwestern pacific coast at Sekiu.  It turned out the currents were bringing the feet in from the Vancouver BC area although it was never really for sure if the feet hadn't been deposited from boats in the Strait of Juan deFuca which were carrying passengers who had their feet and were cutting off other feet or just feet in a bag with people who had feet throwing those severed feet overboard.
It turned out organized crime had gone into the feet severing business with the Pakistani community in the Vancouver BC area.   Culhane had narrowed the perpetrators down to a handful of weasels who extorted the businesses of Pakistani people in return for 'protection' against themselves.  People didn't really enjoy handing over their hard earned money for the purpose of not getting their feet cut off but there it was.   It couldn't be helped.  Culhane traced a pair of cycling Reeboks to a woman in the florist business who had gotten her salmon colored biking shoes from a retailer in Bellingham during a visit there from Vancouver.  One of the cycling Reeboks was found off Sekiu floating near the shoreline.  Culhane determined that Ms. Elani Jophetta had purchased the shoes and was a florist in Vancouver.  One thing led to another.  It was a sad day when Barnard Bolognollo was hauled in on the the missing feet charges.  Turns out good ol Barnard was in charge of a great pair of clippers that neatly sliced off the feet just above the ankle.  The rest of the body was then incincerated.  It was a particularly grisly process and one Culhane was glad to put to bed.  

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