Thursday, December 9, 2010


I s'pose that if I weren't who I am, I might not even care about the topic, or what it means.  art is something that is contained within one's environment.  Not all of us use it, look at it, like it, or are even aware of it.  I'm kind of in the middle of it because I do it all the time, I find it is the curvature of my earth, so to speak...the interpreter of my existence in real time.  The spirit of me, talking.
I was helping a healer heal someone the other day.  Still kind of regrouping from that one because my mom called up just after we were at the home and told me there was a rumor going around I was bringing a 'devil man' to the lady's house (the one who needed healing).  I got a picture of "Guernica' in my head as Mom was talking.  Yep....ignorance isn't bliss if you're dying and could be helped.  But, one must take the high road or not get there, either.  So, "Guernica"....
Kind of a stark example of what I mean about art being the rudder of my little ship...but I had this other thing, about faith I wanted to share because I guess my friend who's dying is going to die.  I can't do anything about it because that is what she wants...even though I tried to press the logic into her about what it was that was going to happen...there won't be any Jesus at the end of the tunnel for her because he's there watching her suffer and wondering why she wants to do that.

Here's a little prayer from Louisa May Alcott...

A little kingdom I possess
where thoughts and feelings dwell
and very hard I find the task
of governing it well
For passion tempts and troubles me
a wayward will misleads
and selfishness its shadow casts
on all my words and deeds
How can I learn to rule myself
to be the child I should
honest and brave nor ever tire
of trying to be good
how can I keep a sunny soul
to shine along life's way
how can I tune my little heart
to sweetly sing all day
Dear Father help me with the love
that castesth out my fear
teach me to lean on thee and feel
that thou art very near
that no temptation is unseen
no childish grief too small
since Thou with patience infinite
doth soothe and comfort all

I do not ask for any crown
But that which all may win
Nor seek to conquer any world
except the one within
be thou my guide until I find
led by a tender hand
thy happy kingdom in myself
and dare to take command

So the happy kingdom of myself is the awareness, for me, that I can make art, that there is art, that art is what sustains us on the mortal plane.  Brotherhood and the entire can of worms that is humanity, the spirit thereof, if you will, is about being interpreted as such, by art.  Take the movie Hotel for Dogs, for example.  I just saw it so it's fresh in my mind.  Two kids really taking care of some animals with some clever little rigs that feed, exercise and attend to the needs of stray dogs in the big city.  The happily ever after comes with the kids actually running a dog hotel with foster parents.  Wonderful story.  Good for everybody because the comical inventions to keep the pets fed and so on are extravagantly efficient along the lines of a PeeWee Herman story ...
the point is that it was art that explained the kids' need to care for the dogs...better it would be human interest but then that would be "The Soloist"...with Robert Downey, Jr.  Jamie Fox got big kudos for his performance as Nathaniel Ayers, the mentally ill guy that played Beethoven's cello so well.  It was, after all, Beethoven who was playing the music for Fox's character.  Had to have been. The strings would not have resonated for anyone else, quite as well, because Beethoven is a consumate artist.  He has gone to his rest centuries back but he's still here, coming to us as a broadcast whenever his music is performed, by anyone.  Fox included.  Ayers' situation was convoluted because as they said at 'The Lamp' where he was allowed to have the gift cello he played on, 'we don't treat 'em unless they want it, they have to ask for it' , meaning that it is convenient to dispense with someone and also to keep the person dispensed with, if they can't function without some help. 
Point of the Soloist story was that Downey's character, Lopez, wouldn't give up on Mr. Ayers, whereas I, who have been in the field with the psychotics and so on, know a different tack on his situation and that would be that mmm, yes, Fox is psychotically dangerous, but not to himself because to himself, he's not hurtful but does just as he pleases, only sometimes when forced into the corner where he has to confront the issue of WHY he is creative with music, he has to admit he stole it - that ability - from Beethoven himself - and that makes him want to confront who so ever is nearest (I call it the 'food' factor)...physically assaulting them to the point of committing murder.  It's getting so those of us poseurs who only control the art, that is, disseminate it (havening lots of issues with that at the moment but there is another story there as well) are becoming like the restaurant in the old neighborhood "Food for Thought", which I think is a great name for a restaurant and I want to run one by that name someday...

   Well, I feel as though I digress a whole hell of a lot and don't get to the point of the issue by being bogged down in things...real time issues, when the truth of the matter is that I enjoy my day off more fully than I'd ever done till now...the dog standing by the door wagging her tail because she wants a sit here and write when it would have been time to rush out the door to an office..well, the office has changed but the art hasn't.  I had the most marvelous studio in a warehouse recentlyand all I did all day was kowtow to the muse when I realized that the muse cou ld be exploited I decided it would be a societal thing and so here I am, en tow, to make that happen.

The topic was 'art'...more to come

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