Saturday, November 7, 2015

where I'd like to be if time would let me

it's kind of strange how we work our minds are alert and focused and we've just got to set down somehow an explanation somewhere either in this kind of media (published word) or a drawing or a melody (parts of a melody, practice of a melody),,former, latter elements do not work, these have to be unique, original transcendant things, ideas descriptions interpretations of what we few that claim art as our effort and reason to be..just want to talk ab out through these processes ...drawing..painting...strumming a guitar, tinkling at the piano...puffing on the tuba..looking out with our eyes on the world, like I'm walking the dog down the street and seeing all the cement everywhere sidewalks porches highways where is there room for life to exist except in these structures we call our homes, ranches mostly here suburban dwellings next to garden apartments that are mostly three stories with enough rooms for families groups individuals..with kitchens and bathrooms and garages and bedrooms and porches and yards and then there's the outdoors which has gone away in small packages to be found in trips to the farm reaches of where these places are with all the cement...not like at my home which has a back porch I built onto it where I can sit andlook out at the landscape and allow it to foster itself, morning glory circumscribing every effort I make to scrape the garden into what looks like a real cultivating process...the wild orange day lily taking up from the morning glory that which the out of doors does want - to spread itself everywher eand anywhere - was this what was wrong with Europe when the colonists arrived in
America?? that the cobblestones had taken this the postnuclear age definition?  that the Berlin wall was underlining for us to understand what it was we must invite and thrive through?  what are our borders?  where do they begin, why are they there?  does a wild animal have something to do with this, what about native american culture, indians?  are they the standard bearers for the correct approach to demography/sociology?  in a post nuclear age?  do I have to be the definitor?  well..I don't know that I ...

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