Friday, June 20, 2014

summer marches on

what can I say..Bob Bowlby died last Sunday on Fathers' Day?  yep...he did...wonderful old timer he was..barely getting around, very pale, very white but a descendent of some of the native peoples of this area so very dark eyes sitting in the still very cognizant head...tending to ramble off a bit he was at the end, frail enough to be lifted from the automobile he drove up in...but still driving..adios amigo..  we're sorry to see you go...but we know you had your ticket ready for the last month or so...
speaking about tickets...pondering the allegiant offers for Mesa in the fall around my burpday...wonder how I will 'get it all done' when my back is spasming today ouch...and have some new wrinkles and curves in my life which in lift off seem a bit strange as though there were nothing better I could ever do but be a part of those moments when that's going on...I feel that way most of the time...there's nothing better I could be doing...even though there's a lot of springing from the frying pan into the fire as it were...and not much more than the cozy intimateness of just what that clam digging expeditions, no forays into Seattle with some mochas to go...or even out shooting elk..well, hasn't happened and I wonder if it will...well I don't wonder so much as am grateful for whatever experience I get to have...isn't that what a blog is after all but the meditations of that very thing?  I g uess it is, what I use it for..deep thoughts here, about this that and the lover..ouch..ovary area says 'folliating' it hasn't done that in a w hile...nah...not in a while but it was competent that it could when it did now it's like looking in the mirror going hey..cette moi
and it is
so also got two pair of winter kind of shoes at the store today...looking ahead on that nice flannel shirt but I only wear those when I'm going to scrub up so why get a really  nice one?  I mean reallly...
so I can ruin it?  I like my cotton banger yaks...for those long winter days when it don't do nothing but rain!!
ouch...what to do then?  today I made egg rolls with plantain and egg plant...they were pretty good bring them along for the ride later I think...and meanwhile...should be getting on down the road if I'm is loaded with bric a brack and so is the house, hehe...yikes..
so anyway...enough for now...nothing brilliant to observe except it was so fun to dance to Thriller this morning and then I thought the old cassette could stand a wipe off and don'tcha know all the lettering naming the songs on the tape just wiped off and only a little bit of the words 'Thriller' are still on it...well.. I guess I will sometime get a cd or mp3 or something but that's like the tape I've  had since my daughter was small and loved 'Billie Jean'(s)...she called it

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