Tuesday, February 19, 2013

blue tunes, the new blog

I was on an ambulance call th is morning..hard at work on a crocheted blanket for little Moses Ezekiel the radio at my waist went off.  I had to quickly put my yards in the basket and drive back to Clallam Bay.  Of course I got stuck behind the only log truck that goes the speed limit so I was hurry to get to the ambulance when I got to the firehall.  Once on board I put on the requisite rubber gloves and stowed the crocheting behind the seat.  There were two other licensed EMTs on board and another student, Sean, who was driving.  He had come in bermudas.  He's an alright guy but this day was not on duty, he's a deputy police officer for Port Angeles.  He's always been polite and so on...it's funny, when I get on the rig with the EMTs all their bile ducts shut down and its not really business as per usual but how much crap can come out their mouth instead of be processed through their kidneys.  You'd think I'd get used to it but no, it still happens.  I took a couple months off just to see if I could stomach the flak, I don't see any difference.  Now you gotta code in to get the door open at the Forks General too, which is new but since I've given up tobacco, I don't have a need to loiter outdoors and was busy to get the floor in the rig washed while the licensed EMTs were taking our patient into the ER.  I was wearing my uniform all day today and still have it on.  I'll have to think of h ow to  get Sean's kidney to process, he was exiting the john when we were back at the station.  He's on good terms with the other fellows we were riding with, funny how I've never felt a part of that gang.  I think it's because the old neighborhood is haunting me, that and Picasso's macros are complicated and compromised...like what does Picasso have to do with this picture?  one might ask, being as I started this off saying I was with the painter's circle and the alarm went off to respond to a call...Picasso...not a particular muse of mine rather as industrious as I he is...and you sh ould see my house at the moment.l..oh this is the computer with the skippy keyboard...Picasso mouse has been sitting next to me...DOS get to screech..?  this is an evening for juggling obligations..EMT reclass, Lions, Sunsets West...make some chow for Lions..right now...falling asleep but need a run to the library to change out movies and guess what?  there's class tonight...well...obligations...and you sh ould see my house...whoa...it's like worse than ever it was in terms of did you get around to washing that plate blues...
I was going to make a new blog, bluetunes...for when I want to be crabby about how I'm treated...tree dead?   eh...it happens wherever I go, I got an earful from KCow..I didn't like how you told me all prissy and high and mighty that I must move the dresser...she basically told me to my face that I was an arse..and I really don't remember how I said that to her but I'm sure I wouldn't have talked to her in that tone of voice, so then again I get scolded by the one whom I help...Georgia...I guess I haven't added the cameraman to that equation and I should...but then again...well...it's complicated so BlueTunes would be a better place to analyze and discern the causal relations therein...
and so..I had totally forgotten there was class tonight, hehe...I guess that settles that
not all peaceful and light but was on the beach and the sun shone and there were agates  found and the water so clear and the air cold but clean, so clean..drove the accord which really is a piece of crap but it goes...it goes...someday...julius was home momentarily and took off again in the gray van will move my bedroom to the 'girls' room it was kayla's but don't see it as lilly's and they both sleep with me anyway so I'll have joe's room for the sewing and ironing and alterations, making a door to the deck there in summer probably and gravel that driveway so the stationwagon can land there andtruck into the garage and accord out front incase 'stella' wants to ram us all again, hehe/adios AMIGOS...they was mean but Heath got in my face like he does with chocolates and a fine wine and I was quite copacetic..I'm sure that's not the correct spelling but rusty wasn't able to do much so I had to finally open that big iron door to the history of life as we know it...ciao..merMaid

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