Friday, March 9, 2012

it's coming into spring

at last, at last...through the winter, the dreary days ending...yesterday was warm...a favorite word: bucolic...have read intensely...suffering a bit of eye strain way up into the cerebrum...a muscle cramp from so much information pushed into my cognizance...I got to see my little grandson, the new guy Harrison who they will NOT call Harry, I should think...but he does have every semblance of needing a nick name.."Buddy" he gets called a lot... and then my daughter, busily working and being the new mom...her husband..reticent at best, totally efficient..would he ever say how much he loves my daughter and his son? a little testy with me in Phoenix, but understands what it is that I do and I think he just unloaded all the frustration and resentment that life takes the twisty path it does...and comes out on the other side where his wife and kid I showed him that and perhaps he's grateful for knowing it inside and out...
doggie wants out, so he goes, have borrowed a hot plate from St. Thomas because the stove top is part of the downed lines in here...talked to the bank about an equity loan, how much is the place worth they ask me...diddly squat I want to say but I don't and I don't ask my realtor friend for an appraisal on their recommendation at the bank either...I just don't...I"ll get 'er done somehow...but we'll see when
have been on call all week and there have been no calls, have a vat of spaghetti ready for senior lunch, should I go..toying with the idea of heading to b'ham to see the middle son's daughter, who just turned three..I could see them all, his gf and the other kids, but they've had issues, he's been in maui with oldest son, don't want to walk the eggshell path with them, but I have a little tea set for the granddaughter, and yeah, that hurts to miss her so and know that she's a pawn in all of this scrabbling for a hold on the firmness of a good life..which we all have, we just have to find out where our happiness is...and that is that
wondering how I would actually get to my destination, actually...I think the old accord would get there but it hasn't been right since the last time I made the trip...just kind of sloggy and old...but there's nothing going on here, foster kid was sent off with his paraphenalia in the fireplace...we're recovering from his habits...his Ad Litem dude, huge truck he had, came and got the kid's boxes of things...I put in some other stuff as I always do, but the thing is, without kids here, I'm not on an even keel, I don't eat regular meals like I do with them, I don't seem to have that 'purpose' that I do when they're here...had a call for another girl to come, I said yeah, but they haven't called again on it so I don't know...
meanwhile, the other night at the Lions' Club meeting, where we share potluck and hold a regular meeting, our District Govenor was here from Souk, which I'm told is right across the water from Clallam Bay on Vancouver Island.  That guy looked exactly like Bill Clinton, who I see as the foster father of my Michelina Haus...and he winked at me with amusement, as if the looney tune operation going on in there makes some sort of morbid sense to him, which it doesn't to me but there it is...the Presbyterian minister is complaining about the state of affairs at that house...well, he said 'right across the street'..but I think perhaps I know of which he refers...and yeah, the dog scratches constantly on that flea pit..
meanwhile...we're done with movie stars interfacing there, no Keatons and no Picassos can save's just af/ambulatory forms, and it's expensive to keep them up and running..I should know better than most and I feel it quite deeply but then, I would, that's my channel all the I do, as I sit here in my bathrobe and contemplate what comes next..should I drive to b'ham and hope for the best?  I made it to Port Orchard with little problem, perhaps it would be as well if I went to b'ham..I could take the dogs and board the canary, hehe, perhaps...weighing the options...and after all, I am on call this weekend...saturday anyway

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