Saturday, July 2, 2011

issues of studying..

I am eating bundlesof rye crackers..I am crocheting..I am blogging, but I am not studying!  The teacher of the class even dropped by, but I'm not into it evidently.  It's a gorgeous day.  I'd like to sit o utside inthe s un with my sunglasses on, just warm up because it's a bit chilly in here.  Reflect on what I've been up to since I last posted here.  That thing I just wrote, I was musing about married life and then I sat in a friend's lap and he reminded me of my foster kid, a sort of inside out, reverse sort of hug because I was thinking of him.
That's kinda weird but how I recognized it.  Went to fluff out a house for someone very ill.  Me and another friend, we fluffed and buffed and threw away old fish and vodka.  The windows were opened, the carpet shampooed, the furniture vaccumed, the floors mopped, the fridge cleaned, emptied and cleaned and refilled.  One cabinet is almost all medicines.  There are used needles and boxes of glucose solution.  We toss a lot of things like the package of shrimp that was in the truck where the keys weren't.
As it happens I come home from that adventure, where I had stared at the empty swimming pool and wondered if it were boardable, and walk straight into another one.  My neighbor's mother is visiting.  She looks like Hughie Tierney from back in the day but she's much like her daughters as well.  She did well with them, they're all vi brant and sociable, very nice ladies, consistently pleasant I think you'd say.  They were having a fish fry in honor of their mother's visit.  I was handed a Corona with lime, a plate and directions to load up.  That was a delicious meal and as I finished it, I was handed dessert involving strawberries and an angelfood cupcake with sauce drizzled on it.  How very pleasant.  They lit a firework called a 'Cornupcopia' in the back drive,  We were entertained.
Doggiwoggs and I went home after that because it was evident they weren't starting a bonfire and the marshmellows I went home for would have to wait.  I hung up a fresh load of clothes on the line, hammered in the piece that wants to peel off of the clothesline, hopefully it's secured.  Contemplate digging a hole for the new clothes line but decided I am tired enough to go inside, which I do.  Flip on the tv and 'Missippi Burning' is on television.  Gene Hackman has a wonderful role, I should check to see if he got an Oscar or a nod for his role.  It's good.  He's portraying Every Man buying a soda in nowhere land, which if you've been there to say "Alabama' you know it's pretty weird, all the separate entries that are fading away.  Kind of hard to believe those white boys would just arbitrarily go shooting people of the colored community, but it seems they did.  When I went through Alabama, I was thinking of that little guy Wallace that used to run that state and how his influence might have colored things.  Well things is still colored but not really anymore, just different.  I got okra there and flew it  home with me.  It stayed in the freezer while my partner and I threw things at one another and then one day I made a gumbo with the Okra and a salmon I caught, and the partner brought me back here.  I'm not from the south but I love a good gumbo, the more peppery the better.  Well, soon be home to have my latest creation, big beef bone with meat, want to say brisket but I dunno if it's actually that, around the knee of the cow, with red beans, cabbage, cooking simmering for a while till it's all slush in the pot.  Tossed in a little basil, seasoning salt, no onions but I have plenty of them, probably have with a slice of rye and more of that Irish cheddar.  Maybe a jigger of cold vodka to wash it down, 
So the painting cycle is heading up as well, with two maybe more waiting on the runway to take wings and fly.  Have left the jar of paint open so that I'm bound to attend to it, and I have, a couple of strokes at a time.  Gardening t his morning, with a great pile of manure from the farm, thank you very much, which got shoveled here and there and the ground sighed in a great gasp as I tossed it over it.  There was steam rising.  Surprising how warm it gets.  Methane processes, evidently.
Later today am attacking barberry on the trim and thin/weed aspect.  My arms are chilly.  There may be a picnic involved to which my friend is invited.  I was bringing the woodcutter but I didn't think he was picnic material and I don't want him getting the wrong idea.  I haven't studied anything yet.  Next week I have to put on an art exhibit.  Strange how things have reverted to the old days of hammering nails in the wall and entertaining the press in hopes of a review.

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