Thursday, April 28, 2011

hail with it

the yard is begging for a facelift but it keeps being miserable outside.  I'm taking EMT classes, leaving by 8:45 a.m. and so far we've been cut short two out of the three days I've gone because of response calls coming in.  I've been learning to use the blood pressure cuff and the little finger clip monitor that analyzes the space between the heart beats.  Pretty interesting stuff.  Reading, I've finished the sequel to gone with the wind  which was a real potboiler and I liked it good enough.  Wondering about the summer, if it will ever get here...
Did a painting I called "japanese spring' after the incident in Japan.  Had an easter card from my brother and apparently their airport got blown around in a tornado.  He just bought a new house in the St. Louis suburbs...I guess they're ok according to family but what a thing to happen...
Today I helped the girls next door get the gallery for our women's conciousness raising session and book discussion club.  We generally have the book club on Tuesdays the last week of the month and the consciousness raising gets done on that Thursday, or vice verssa, but we couldn't this month because the girls were away doing their thing so we're doing it today.  I helped mop floors and get it tidied up.  They fed me an egg salad sandwich, which was nice of them.

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