Tuesday, March 2, 2010

it's another day in the neighborhood...

I planted the reisling grape yesterday.  I set the posts for the wire in the evening before, when it was dark.  The directions on the bag of ready mix said 'just add water' but it seemed as though it hadn't set but I went ahead and put the wire on anyway and put the vine on the wire after removing it from the other yard.  I also planted several lilac and a fruit tree, which has dark plum colored leaves and so I think it may actually be a plum, but we'll see.
The reisling had grown along the fence in the other yard, it's gotten bigger over time but has never been what you'd call 'flourishing'..hopefully now it's on a slope it will become a more vigorous plant, assuming that it has survived the transplanting process.  It's raining today so that will help it acclimate.  I put plenty of good soil on it after putting it in the ground.
I'm still in my pajamas and the artists' painting group started a half hour ago.  Little gaberoid has showed up, courtesy of his dad, so I'm gonna have to get with the program here and get off the computer, which I've been slaving over since early this morning, due to a glitch that kept me off line and frustrated that I couldn't budge the web.  My son called and wants me to come over to hawaii for a visit which would be nice if I could find the time.  I can find the time alright, it's staring me in the face asking me why I have been online since five am but that's because I had to resolve the glitch which I did and now I'm en modem which is fine because blogging gets like that I suppose...stream of consciousness relating to the topics one pursues, etc. 
Have to get moving though...probably start by jumping in the shower though I'm concerned the phone may ring while I'm in there but probably not because I've already had several important calls and I only expect one more which I guess I'm slowly waiting around for but it's not crucial I be in the house for it because I have the cell phone number with that person as well.  So off to the shower I guess. 
Should be at the painters' group around noon if all goes well, and yeah, the creek rises in the backyard of the reef but I've been making great headway there.  dug up three rugs, two baseboard heaters, a car bumper and numerous items of trash.  Metal has gone with the metal guy and darn if I didn't forget to tell him about the discarded hot water heater in the basement.  I'll get that next time I guess.  Meanwhile, on to the day and then some..

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