Monday, February 15, 2010 art...

well, I think I've said this before, that I have to get organized when I work on art projects...which means, for me, cleaning, arranging, even waiting for the proper weather on the proper day...I find it frustrating but a challenge more than that...and it allows the creative flow to remain unencumbered because this is the way I have found to permit my thoughts and processes, i.e., painting, writing, sewing, whatever...even culinary effort, to achieve its parameters and not be hampered by self-critique or a disillusion or distillation process...meaning that while I allow the day to day routine to flow around me like a little stream, I also achieve that which it is I am attempting to convey concept wise
and for today, though I have written minutes for meetings that I am secretary creative processes are in the maintaining position, moving articles to the Reef, setting up the transfer of documents and kitchen articles like new plates and a little shelf, while I took a call from a potential literary agent and allowed the dogs to wander for more than an hour, planned how the process of the actual move to the studio is going to take place and no doubt should email the real estate property manager..i.e., hook up some folks to live here while I live at the that'll be interesting...
am finding that while the creative process is in full flower at the is like the protective covering that nutures it...while the dogs were out I thought how nice not to have to clean up their burnt offerings, as I cleaned up the latest batch...chili for lunch, much coffee, probably too much so as I could use a nap about on a sensible kick after watching six disks of Inspector Morse, which I used to truly enjoy watching and am wondering why A&E doesn't have that on its bill anymore (they used to be a wonderful station for British detective series)
no matter, am going to hunt down the book the potential agent was referring to and see what can be done with it as it stands...I'm thinking that painting and writing go  hand in hand with cleaning up my office, so I have to see where I'm at with that because I know where I'm at with the office, it's staring me in the face like a muddy car (two of those as well)...not burdened by the process but learning to appreciate the definition of it in terms of where it takes me...well, Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and beginning of Lent, I shall give up anxiety this year, haha...never had it (hmmmm) but a reasonable facsimile there of has been a constant meaning that dumb stuff creeps in  and has to be swept up (hence the cleaning gigs) final note, put the little Mermaid doll back in the wreath at the Reef after mending her up a bit...will get out the embroidery threads another day, she's been beaded after a good washing, yoga this afternoon, classical music on and on...Mom and I to Port Angeles yesterday for dinner with my brother and his wife...visited Dad's grave afterward, wet feet because I finally wore the patent slides I'd been keeping in their box under the bed and they killed my bunion, owie...Dad's grave is next to brother John's grim day standing there but the knowledge of death, the finality, the temporary quality of daily life that resounds in those tombstones..have to visit daughter's grave in Ferndale while I'm over with Tones...not that it's a fun thing but more of an obligation to oneself for continuity...we'll see...could hardly find the marker last time

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