Monday, December 28, 2009

early am searching for old twists..

well, fingers are nearly fro.zen/dig it...(af)fro.zen...relating to the coding (dumb ol..duh)...figuring out what the new studio space is supposed to do for me...listening to Gracia Ruby the yapper dog tell the world 'yes, we'reup now'...mmhmm

best go check the fire anyway...have this half the house blocked off since there are no munchkins here at the moment, clearing throat...GR might know more about that one


posted a little reminder about the 'glad he ate her' joke at Vanity/Glamour...which is a secondary beauty magazine considering Vogue, which has to wade through quite a bit of 'it' in order to promote healthy beauty...well, what IS healthy beauty anyway, male or female and why the f is it important, think it is about the f factor now and darn...hehe, what is it about certain males that give me the sensation I have thrombosis...uh duh...some little eggo (leggo) is getting set to hatch, probably

ok, that's the rambling on factor and haven't related code to butt to rise and shove another log on the flames...not that it would kin (dle)...I did love working in WORD...well the .dll factor as far as getting up to do the thing...

actually I did it...was researching sixties model Shrimpton earlier found nothing on her current physical status, i.e., the photography which I thought she had the incandescent look of the sixties about her but then again, hard to know from a photograph who's a real meal deal and who's not but I know as a teenager I would look on that image and see myself, it was my concept of me, well, I don't know a model today that relates as well and Shrimpton didn't make me go out and buy dresses because I sewed them all - we'd look at the model books and pick out which we would like to wear and then we'd make them, the fabrics were spectacular, there was this one red bouqueted hopsacking number I loved for years and years, went through my first pregnancy in it, got shortened when I loaned it out and came back a mini which was ok but after that it had lost its bloom, and the tiger/leopard cordoroys that followed hip and thigh and calf to the max down to the turned up/hemmed ankle made in less than an hour, cutting to sewing to hemming, by the primo seamstress of the group (at the time) and she was wearing them out the door by the time the bell rang...imagine...they were leopard cordoroy capris and she had hair like Cher, the bangs and all...

meanwhile, we were all into minis which is fine in winter weather if you have the maxicoat to cover the kneecaps when you step out the door, also I think the thigh high boot is good if you're being practical and you're going where they're not trying to seed winter corn or some such and can shed whatever doesn't need to stay on..well, last years news all that but I went and did my hair based on a gloppy stuff that you get to do yourself when the hairdresser is back in VietNam for a sabbatical...hehe, yeah right...and it came out like a yellow marble cake with a neon orange tinge at the front part, well, such is the image reflection...wondering about letting color go and just stick with the hairspray that touts a lightening effect...oh not bolts or nothing...but some kind of a lemon juice deal that works as it sets there (sits there)

so, as this is the initiating news blurb from Studio Mermaids Reef...think of this as the lady that bought the house that I have the hot tub motor from...gimmee a shell...gimmee a shell..hehe, that's after I build on the nice little solarium with all the plants that sprout from my green thumb...and are shivering as I am this cold winter morning...burrr it's raining but it could as well be snow..I've done my angst bit about that and probably want to go down there right now and settle up the heat factor with a little log on the fire (or two)

so...kind of don't want to beat around the bush about anything, other than to say haven't yet seen Avatar but everyone else has and they're raving, well, that $12 ticket is kinda steep but you get these 3-d glasses so those are the souvenirs and you are witnessing art on the level you won't get when you bring the baby home and plug it in your cinemamaster state of the art whatever you got giant tv thing (HD/BLURAY whathaveyou)...myself I got this speaker handbuilt from back in the day that still has the clarity of a morning warbler on the river...the little .wavs just bouncing off the water in the's great (the woofs and tweets are all in their places one would guess)...I would say the pixel factor isn't what it could be, screen wise is on the tiny side but I've had room size and so on and projectors and so whats and that's a mechanical issue still in process but programming the elements on use has been interesting, hehe...bird get off the wire...well, that's fun and who sits around for television all that much...or movies, it's so transient, you can practically put your hand right through it, you come away with images lodged inyour mind that give you impetus to move to your next task/occupation/process...well, that's the good part, that's art as we now know it...though Titian's light factor has yet to be replicated I would think and that's an essential to any form of art...that the impression on the viewer side be kin to the creator's...we are of the same mind here...Avatar I'm wondering about the Reef's garden, if I come away from seeing Avatar as a planet saver or what? a strange flock of birds flew up out of there one day when I was rescuing the garden hose from the clutches of the water iris that had overgrown it...unhand ye the sprinkler dudes...and I thought, bird sanctuary...hmmm there isn't that much of it and I was thinking about major fish named Dim we've got this puppy named Spider Man...oh, it could be halibut in there, they do hatch at the mouth of the Clallam...and they're cute but koi would belong there I think...ode to Koi

koi fish reside

harbor view


gentle rain and cool

be my school

I dunno, always feel kind of dumb plunking down keys like that and writing stuff your brothers are going to tease you about...clears throat...should they ever get on the internet...heh heh...actually I've had one or two candid conversations with those guys, hahaha, and we always leave off talking about the things that we hold dearest because to one another, that's what we are...I hope I said that well

I'll see about the price of rice in china here shortly, i.e., set the fire at MR and go do the rest of the day thing but darn that's about being an artist, you wake up at the ungodly hour of 4am because it's in you, this idea gestating itself inside your head and nothing else really matters but that you find it a medium...darn difficult when you might dance it out, or just think it through over and over...where does it go...what, in fact, is it...has teaching come into it...(wunsun is going through that process and it's actually a viable technique as well since he's deep into purple, hehe)

eh...we ought to all be in the amazon rainforest at the moment I think...toasting our toes and clad in tongs...I best be on my way to the rest of the day although I think I could sit here and talk to the keyboard/screen until what...had to put another log on the fire, the phone rang...someone knocked at the door? fingers got NUMB!! that would be it...sun has poked through the whatevers and it's not actually shining but there's enough light to see that it will be a steel gray day with no cloud definition other than to say the pavement is wet and it's not quite cold enough to if people wouldn't keep bringing firecrackers onto airplanes I might want to travel somewhere warmer and how did they do that anyway? because it's not gooey or is one going to discern powdery substances?

so...mermaids reef it is...the art home...the place that needs a solarium bad and the pond/swamp for the koi isn't the entire backyard but a hole where the water seeps in and stays put and Wunsun and his crew:Dimsun and Beccawu (giving the fish names but I wonder if I'll just reimport the Walmart diehards that I used to raise and let it go at that...) neighboring cats have already set up an efficient prowl that Gracie R and her crew are going to have to temper with a birdsong from tweetie's bunch...

should I be talking about the rescued hydrangea or the fact that I've not yet put the reisling in its place but have decided that Michelina Haus will keep it's namesake and there will be a sortofabordeaux/burgundy/mideastern kind of name that wonderfully jewel-like Belle Haven from long ago...I just don't know about the heartiness of the sun although I'm sure the shells are ample and the little slope just right...meanwhile Sid says come back in the spring he'll have a few to chose from...told him about this and that and he was as hearty as ever it was an oral surgery day for me and wow did the burger scrape its way down the tract...ouchie

I guess I could look online, hehe

now isn't that a roundabout way of going at it...meanwhile, will need some stamps and mailoff the phone billl and go start the fire there and think about painting another color exercise like the one over in Bellingham in the basement, that I really liked...there's so many nice cans of paint but I'm not the world's greatest carpenter and saws daunt me not to mention finding the right nail...and have one numb thumb from hammering...clears throat...well...pity...self...time for a log on the fire...

oh yeah and it was christmas and to all those I forget to personally greet and thank and so on...imagine the art that comes from places like mermaids reef and you know I haven't overlooked you but found a wonderful way to climb into each and everyone's head...i.e. lets get the log on the fire and the day on the's to daughter gets married on the day Crowe's movie releases..does this mean I need to iron? another Koi name..WuSee


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