Friday, September 13, 2024

thehauswasnebber rrrssszzz

 so that's not true and the tu.lock issue is confined to user state status of paltrowashton.kutcher/gwinn@ versional ethic tvyfpnyyamjstoqctr focus and liberation modem to FT ethic pf2vp4 through Binchus/etc

to Robin Ford call attempt@194 versional user state DNA via ╒▒[╝û┐τ

Sunday, September 1, 2019

rest in peace Onyx

Onyx kitty died probably yesterday.  He was found lying by the side of the road near Walt Perrin's house.  He had a big slug on him and was stiff as a board so it'd probably happened during the night when he was out prowling.  He didn't come up for his breakfast this morning.  I could always depend him to be here meowing for his meal first thing.  No more of that. 
He was a tough kitty.  When he was a kitten he was mauled by a raccoon and ever after he had a scar on his back from the experience..   Then a couple years ago on Christmas Eve I was in the sewing room.  The phone rang and it was the guy in Forks who was going to sell me his truck.  He said he sold the truck to someone in Forks even though we'd shaken hands on the deal.  I was unhappy to hear this so I went outside.  I heard a dreadful howling and it turned out to be Onyx.  Onyx was lying across the road at Thu and Robert's house.  He had been hit by a car.  His face was damaged and he couldn't walk.  For two weeks I kept him in the house and fed him with a turkey baster.  People told me he was a goner and I should have him put down.  I kept him wrapped in a towel and one day he crawled out of his box and went out the door. I didn't see him again for two weeks and then one day he appeared, hungry.  After that he could be counted on to appear first thing in the morning for his breakfast.  He breathed funny, sounded like the snuffaluffagus.  He was pretty healthy otherwise.  This evening Cindy Hart came to tell me that he was gone but she wasn't sure he was my kitty.  I went to look and sure enough, there he was, a sodden mat of black fur, stiff as a board.  Rest in peace my kitty, fourth generation of cats lost to Highway 112.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

watched the movie about cbgb's

I walked down there from 9 early one morning when we were up from DC
looked at the front door
I suppose it was all literary there by then
but the movie was informative
too bad they had such a stuffed shirt in the lead
the owner manager puffed  daddy of the genre
if you can call it that
I guess it was
myself I had the first mullet
in response to our own club
madams organ
such as it was
a music venue for the bad brains and such
teen idles
the cramps and so on into the night
when I was pregnant with tony
and we moved to winchester
where he was born

those were the days and now we're getting old
it would seem
like the decrepit misters in the cornerhouse
which is going to become 'a beeg hotel'...according to the evening news
things change
but punk was always in a class of its own
and the music was VERY LOUD
I really liked the name 'richard hell and the voidoids'
and then there was 'teenage jeasus and the jerks'
which was mentioned in the movie
amen all
and a good night to those startched spikes
that didn't get in their either
it would seem those might have been the lengendary city rats
or the hot air of the main character
becazuse there wasn't room for anything else
the movie was almost human
too bad hilly wasn't a hillbillly
because being jewish lost a few things in translation
ssoon as they started mentioning tattoo numbers and camps
the little vacuum started to suk up the details
and soon the movie ended and made cbgb's the place down the street
from 9 where the roaches traveled the walls in lines, like  a german highway
which it probably still is

Monday, February 18, 2019
cute, we have some work to do here then we go to the bizzit ctr k...yep..kind of a ll points podcast sort ofthing humor and joy humor and him need a little quotient on dat juan

Friday, November 10, 2017

it takes oneto know what I'd call it

and I got called a 'moron' by one of the last bastions of bad taste, R himself (itself, which makes ita little creept when you see how he steals our sex urge and all that goes with it..speaking of wrath)
then it sits in your face like a great pile of shit waiting for you to flush it

all the time you're a little disturbed Keats isn't in the room

or something like that true love that makes it all that matters
when you remember being in the room near the man with all the scalpels
and almost passing out as one of those senators I just viewed on the movie 420
starts yammering his cause to the tune of millions of viewers

I was a moron at that moment because it felt like we were all being exposed to murder
of ourselves...ah there he comes in the iphantom guide darn supposed to be italicized the creepy


I have to explore that hate thing because it brought me to it
and how to disengage it I don't wonder if it's efficient I truly get that but to goad in a moment of
pure whatever you get it's not there with us and to define it so well graciousness is a curve

I was purely tired last night and I do see the prosecution for the cause because I come from the House of Lords as we all do and therein lies a bravery of which I must concern myself

the moment in the press's eye I gave my heart to the cause of love
and for the moment was a moron to the cause

later when the little baby screamed in outraged frenzy not knowing if it's carnal self was indigenous
however the mater defined it I do hope therein lies the cause for I married when that happened and perhaps it was my own sequenced frustration easing itself primally
such words jump out in a page and are definitive of a certain intellect and horrible crime follows like the caustic agent of anticipated despair when joy is all there really is, but you must do these things because you care oh wow 49 years of dribble to say that i love you right now

along with the many cosutmes and skeletons in the closet which are not found on the everyday table

there goes it and we must always oblige what no longers fears itself as a costume
there wouldn't be any target other than that of which I must at this time brief on the subject what it entails in the purest gold of devout intellectual discussion with myself and as a poet the masses
though they waddle in gross flesh and
I think wefigured that out a time agoa nd there's the wonder of it
to dispute that which we find incredible

although we have to say we're in that babbit corner that became a certain reality in 1947
as I understand it

crucial parts todefine historic law and justice
and let finally the king speak right?

well...I don't I don't have that problem I'm not a bore I never was I did see it as that it was as they say brilliant and there's the part that's curious I do believe that all historic measure is obliged and therefore any part of it unseen I do not relate to

so funny a moron...for that moment in the public, UPS, Reuters AP wire all the lot with giant camera facing the odds
will they buy it

it has become the slow campfire in the cold winteron the wyoming grazying farms near the mountains where the wind blows cold

don't really wanna murtelize anybody but if they do that to themselves it might happen

the very early years in the lower echelons of the Justice Department perhaps now riddled with fear Mitchell is where he belongs hehe
used to troll along beneath my office like a great shark with big teeth the minion of Nixon
now that was a grand plan we had no idea ostentatiousness would go over so badly

well we did along with the trondike attached to the Morrison marriage like a grim missle
frightening in some diabolical ways giving forth to the Dana partition and glorified anex''

you never knew anything like it so many levels of the same fleshh believing
now that is grand and here am I with all this salad and a groption way to interrogate we'll never spill the beans on all of it but you'll know wherein we stand and why it's ok to believe the shining miracle

what would be? we exist we believe we have to know that therapy cures exposure to the nicks of the heart

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

more on the story

so I pulled out of the scene a bit and then stopped because diane was yelling 'wait wait' and I don't know what she was doing but I waited.
road conditions were bad, sides the road thick with snow the tires on the amblance not so great but doable.  I pulled out and went further up burnt mountain, missing an optimum turnout because it was covered in snow and going further up to the little logging oad where half burnt mountain was denuded of its beautiful tall trees.  I got safely off the road and the county cop came up to us and informed me the circumstances of the wreck.  seems the man had solicited and engaged a woman who'd gotten out of the car and left the scene.  the man was not an obvious drug user but was talking incoherently and suspected of a stroke.  the more I talked to the county cop themore he reminded me of a 'good' Sandy Hull, guys son that is troubled by drugs.
I went back to the rig and waited for Diana to package the patient as she had told me he was needing to go to the hospital.  I waied for her to buckled him up and it seemed to take her quite a while to figure out which belt went where.  I didn't time it, I only wrote down the mileage I noted at the scene and that was about the only time I had any control over the entries on the page.  I did make a time entry on 'scene arrival' following entries diane had made previous.  She told me later the time entries were all wrong andI told 'I did make a mileage ntry at the scne'
We got to Forks hospital without incident and it was when we were unloading the patient that it got very very bad.  Diane at no time assisted in the unloaded of the patient.  Rather she stood inside the compartment and told me 'You should be doing this, you should be doing this' until I became exacerbated with her goading me and told her to stop.  We couldn't get the burney legs to come down though we repeatedly pushed the plus and minus signs that control it.  Brigitte Soha and another EMT were on duty at the hospital and they were assisting at my request because I know i am not adept at using the gurney and have been off on vacation for several weeks.  My actual experience with the gurney is improving but it still needs some work and that can only come at this point by experience and having someone standing over you telling you 'should be doing this' is enough to cause a sense of extreme irritation in a frustrating critical situation.