Saturday, January 21, 2017

kari_yippie political commentator with some remarks on the presidency of one Donald Trump

I called my ornamental plum in the front yard 'one plum' because last summer it gave one plum to signify it was in fact a fruit tree and not a blooming ornamental as I had hoped...still all is not lost as it gives fruit (let's hope not too much)
such is the onset of the presidency of one Donald Trump...he'll be obnoxious all the way
he'll be a scrapper before he even gets started and the soft wood will rise up out of the obscurity to which it was long banished, proclaiming that there is a hope 'he will make people find God'...
which means to me that he will have us praying in desperation for things that have broken down like my car that needs either a head gasket or a radiator...Trump's like that as well...his marriage is definitely on the cool down, he's publicly smooching it up with television commentators and making the most of the bad situation.  His wife is getting pruny around the can he ever make it up to her? well, he can't..and younger daughter is most obviously going to be his 'mission man'..speaking for him on topics like ladies underwear and the common market...
he'll get his word out but it will be prefaced with that thing he is so good at "snarly whiplashing'..
You see, from a personal standpoint there are parts of him that are even too rank for the likes of me who rides the dishwater down the drain and into the basement where it pools up and comes out a little dribble where the mice chewed up the drain hose  on the dishwasher (so I don't use it)...just like Donald isn't using what's her face...she be gone before ya know it
although that was a pretty glamorous blue suit she had on..I didn't like it too many flares in too many places for an uptight face like hers that obviously wasn't having any fun (I have  to remember to be kind here)...his whole family looks like one uptight band of misfits and mutants, especially the younger ones, like the vicitims of an Indian raid in the wild west, all scalpless, all dead, brought back to life for the moment so we can 'find God'...)  we'll find him the way those corpses came on line to stand up and represent us, we'll find Him..see, it's working alright, I used a capital H the second time I referenced him..Hmi  Him...

anyways, the inguration had screened areas for public viewing of the actual parade, it had protestors on K Street ripping it up, it lines of militia keeping the peace..there were a few burned limos, ripped up stores, disgruntled wouldbe TRump voters who found out that the pig speaks and then he's a pork had the born agains (and again and again) had everything every other presidency has had but it didn't have Kennedy's speech making flare or Himself...I should think...that part just wasn't there, that was a sack of potatoes waiting for the fryer if I ever saw one...that just wasn't real...

Friday, January 13, 2017

so he says, and then some

he's always been reading the wrong thing into the fun parts...he came up to me at lunch..sidled up as it were (after he's taken everything I have, family, home, pets, etc. and made them his) and says to me 'sew ewe ur(al) going to DC??'
so I'm lookin for the flight...gettin kinda hyper finding it but think yeah I can swing this and of course he hasn't called his broker (isn't that the kind of guy he is? of course) I'm footin' the bill naturally...but I was gonna be there and do that just the same and he's like 'yer doing this on yer own kid, which I knew I was when I got born, weren't nobody else in there with me was there?  well maybe he thinks DNA has a green pasture or something..but's how it this MAN's world which he's now made permanent by this callous display of 'let's see how many more times we can get hopes up and dash them into the fire'...yep
don't do it, we
and yeah, he ran in the door with my daughter in his arms, saying she ate some sorta 'weed'...and last night he said he was gonna pass out 30-40 joints during Trump's parade
today he tells me 'we' ain't gonna do that
like I ever passed out joints...
and that's what I get for saying I helped legalize pot
 he says monitor the next four years
